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America doesn't have a race problem, it has a problem race.

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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
Everyone gets along fine with each other in America except for Blacks. They have been a societal problem since they were turned loose 150 years ago.
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2021-01-10 17:11:29
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GekkGekk (CON)

What’s your evidence for people getting along?

Even during the founding of the nation, the founding fathers did not get along.

There was constant arguments and bickering, Jefferson wanted the constitution to expire every 19 years. There have always been disagreements since the very founding of our nation. Trying to blame all of a society’s problems on someone with a specific pigment of skin color is erroneous and is simply absurd. The problem is not inclusion, not the lack of exclusion. Are you saying you support and wish slavery did not end? Are you trying to say there is any solid reason for slavery as that is not only abhorrent but would obviously lead to far greater societal problems enslaving any human beings? There are plenty of recorded issues with this throughout history.

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2021-01-10 17:37:08
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.Evidence: Whites don't move into Black neighborhoods. There are many other examples. 2.All individuals do not get along, but Whites do not automatically avoid Whites, like they do Blacks. 3.Skin color is irrelevant. Blacks are disliked because of their strange behavior. 4.Slavery is irrelevant. Blacks should have been freed AND deported, as Lincoln said to do.
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2021-01-10 18:21:01
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GekkGekk (CON)
There are plenty of neighborhoods where people have mix ethnicity and the mixture of neighborhoods are changing everyday.
In fact eventually people of strictly European decent or "white" as you like to call it will be the minority(https://www.brookings.edu/research/new-census-data-shows-the-nation-is-diversifying-even-faster-than-predicted).
People avoid people due to stereotypes and it shows racism, I do not really understand your argument for "different races not getting along?". There are plenty of people that appear white that I don't get along with as a person who also appears white which quite literally invalidates your claim. Saying there are lots of examples does not show evidence, please you a citation or source to backup your claims otherwise it's just conjecture.
You say skin color is irrelevant but that seems to be your entire basis for many of your debates is that you do not like people who have a different skin pigment then yours. Slavery is anything but irrelevant.

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2021-01-11 01:18:19
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.Name ONE Black neighborhood that Whites are moving into. 2.Whites learn racism from their own bad experiences with Blacks. 3.Obviously if Whites don't want to live around Blacks it's because they don't get along. 4.Your being the exception to the rule is irrelevant. 5.Here is more evidence: Whites do not put their kids into Black-filled schools, Whites don't socialize with Blacks, Whites don't exit freeways in Black areas, Whites don't go to Black churches, Whites don't go to Black pools or parks. 6.Again, color is irrelevant. Whites dislike Blacks because of their behavior. 7.Slavery ended, but Blacks should have been deported also. That is what President Lincoln wanted.
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2021-01-11 02:08:57
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GekkGekk (CON)
1. Here is a map showing racial diversity(https://www.brookings.edu/research/americas-racial-diversity-in-six-maps/).
2. White people learn racism from their parents, not from bad experiences with people based on the pigment of their skin, this is nonsense. I have had plenty of bad experiences with other white people, I could say I hate white people, I certainly don't like Nazi's.
3. There is nothing obvious about this conjecture and no evidence to back it up. Sounds like your own hateful personal experience that is not based in reality and should not be assumed on the general public.
4. It's literally not a rule, your trying to make it a rule, does not make it say. When shown evidence to the counter it's easy to say it's an exception rather then admit or start to think your entire ideology might be flawed and incorrect.
5. Literally not true, public schools have mixed races, segregation ended a long time ago. Plenty of people of various races socialize together all the time.

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2021-01-11 12:00:01
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