When I first read the argument headline 'boys are stronger than girls emotionally and physically" I thought to myself is this an actual argument? no its not, as this statement is absolutely incorrect and seriously stereotypical towards ALL women as they are being shown as the 'weaker' sex. Women as a whole are as such no way weaker physically or emotionally, as every human no matter the sex, religion, age, belief, sexuality, disability etc can be determined by the label they are given. Yes it is proven men are more likely to have a greater muscle mass than women and are usually taller in theory, but just because papers may show this does it really determine a singular woman or mans ability of emotion and physical strength? definitely not. Every human being has their limits emotionally and physically and each individual has their breaking points, but why should boys be seen as the stronger sex? just because they act a bigger character does it really mean they're physically and emotionally stronger? no. In society women are just as important as men, but women go through changes and experience things men would never, making them stronger and independent. They produce and carry a living creature inside awaiting to be born, during this women suffer great pain and changes and have done since the start of time. Women were once seen as a weaker minority in society for centuries but have proven that wrong, women won the right to vote with great courage and strength, they changed the way people seen things and this is why all women shouldn't be seen as a weaker being because they are just as strong physically and emotionally as anyone else. Great women athletes, boxers, weight lifters and heroes walk this earth and bring pride to us all and especially women and they are proving and clearly showing just because they are labelled a 'girl' shouldn't limit their aims and goals in life. Boys aren't stronger than girls emotionally and physically as a whole, yes individuals may be stronger but same for girls, as they too can be stronger than boys. But stereotypically no, boys aren't stronger than girls, we are all equal and have different talents and achievements which make both girls and boys strong physically and emotionally.
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2016-12-20 06:49:58
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Round Forfeited
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2016-12-22 06:51:02
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@_elisedx you are the pro in this debate, which means that you would be arguing for that boys are stronger than girls emotionally and physically. Posted 2016-12-21 08:29:02