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Africans are less privileged under law (unfortunately)

4 points
6 points
genesis01genesis01 (PRO)
Well the constitution says that only US born citizens can run for president: https://www.whitehouse.gov/1600/constitution this means they're less privilleged.

African Americans can run, but Africans from Africa can't. 

Return To Top | Posted:
2015-09-30 06:28:35
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Mike HatcherMike Hatcher (CON)
My opponent has failed in this debate, for he has set a tautological interpretation of the motion, also known as a self proving definition, Non-citizens are less privileged under law and this is a fact as my opponent has shown, which means there is no debate here and it is an unfair definition, therefore I win because his burden as the pro side is to set up a fair debate in which both sides can argue, which he has failed to do.
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2015-09-30 12:42:35
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Mike HatcherMike Hatcher (CON)
Well then even if this wasn't tautological, they have the same privileges that any other immigrant has, and the fact is that immigrants are always less privileged under law for they are not full citizens, your interpretation gives me very little room to argue on and my answer is more than adequate to win this debate
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2015-10-04 17:25:45
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Mike HatcherMike Hatcher (CON)
Of course I know the difference, but you are failing to engage with me for you have not set a fair interpretation of the motion, you should have talked about how being African ethnicity leads to less privileges under the law, wither they are immigrants or Americans, turning the debate into a fact as you have done by saying immigrants are less privileged is simply tautological and leaves me no grounds to debate upon. Your interpretation of the motion is as follows: Immigrants have less privileges than citizens have, this is a fact that is not debatable, and as the first speaker you have the burden to set up a fair debate in which both sides to debate upon a controversial issue, you have proven your lack of debate knowledge and have not be able to engage upon definition challenge and I have more than justified why your definition is unfair and what a fair definition should be in this debate, therefore I win
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2015-10-05 15:24:10
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