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That doping should be legal in sports

6 points
0 points
idiyosyncraticanthropoid_idiyosyncraticanthropoid_ (PRO)
Doping: administer drugs to (a racehorse, greyhound, or athlete) in order to inhibit or enhance sporting performance.
Legal: permitted by law.
This model does not apply to animals participating in a particular sporting event. Doping animals is entirely a different topic.

1. PEDs don't alter the talent of the athlete.

Performance Enhancing Drugs as the name suggests only enhances the performance of an athlete. It helps them to be more active and perform to the fullest. It is just a catalyst and will not be of any help to people who lack talent.

2. The demand will always exist

The demand for PEDs will always exist. Legalizing them will make the drugs safer as the government becomes accountable and the government's revenue will increase.

3. Justice for team members in events.

In team events, If one person is found to be doped, and that is illegal, all the other team members who haven't taken part in the crime also bear the consequences of their medal being stripped. If doping in sports is legalized, the medals will not be stripped and everyone gets paid for their hard work and talent.

4. The war on doping has done far more harm than good.

The war on doping has shown us how useless our testing protocols are, increased corruption, made sports organizations and governments lose money and also lose a lot of talented athletes.

Certain changes are for the better and this particular one sure is. 

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2020-04-07 18:22:11
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