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That police should offer rewards to help solve crimes

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KushKush (PRO)

Firstly, I would like to thank L3VI_OFFLINE for participating in this debate.


I would like to start with a brief description of the resolution. The resolution can be decoded as the police, of any country, will offer a reward given in recognition and appreciation as the latter receiving the reward helped the police in solving crimes. This resolution doesn’t apply to petty crimes. The resolution is applicable to only crimes on a serious degree of crime.

Increase in Enthusiasm

Honestly, when someone helps you in achieving a particular feat, you always would like to show your gratitude to that person. Then what is wrong with the police department doing what any grateful human would do? After all, the police department is only human. But, rewarding the person that helps has another benefit and advantage. It increases the enthusiasm in the common man to contribute in safeguarding his country. He shouldn’t expect that rewards be handed out, but if they are it will only increase his enthusiasm and others’ tenfold. A study conducted by a criminal law firm in Los Angeles,Lessem,Newstat &Tooson, LLP, it states, “Offering a reward may serve to reignite community interest in a crime, which can prove helpful if detectives have run out of leads. It may also spur someone to come forward who may have been otherwise fearful of ousting a suspect.” So, this can be another one of the numerous advantages of offering rewards. In one of the entries in the FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin, they stated, “Police officials have indicated that a number of cases in which rewards have been paid would not have been solved without this program.”


Even the FBI agrees that offering rewards for solving cases has helped the justice system of the United States of America, then why is CON being so impractical and denying a legitimate and successful resolution?


Return To Top | Posted:
2020-06-16 04:24:35
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