LenosOirg (PRO)
The US should try and set an example to the world by having an population wich no matter wath stands united and at least doesnt go at each others throaths for having different opinions
Return To Top | Posted: 2018-02-27 10:54:03
| Speak Round
Nuala (CON)
Round Forfeited
Return To Top | Posted: 2018-02-28 10:56:01
| Speak RoundEnjoyed this debate? Please share it!
The judging period on this debate is over
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Rules of the debate
- Text debate
- Individual debate
- 3 rounds
- 10000 characters per round
- Reply speeches
- Uses cross-examination
- Permissive Judging Standard (notes)
- Forfeiting rounds means forfeiting the debate
- Images allowed
- HTML formatting allowed
- Rated debate
- Time to post: 1 day
- Time to vote: 2 weeks
- Time to prepare: 3 hours
This is a random challenge. See the general rules for random challenges at
I like this debate. I'll take it if it's free and close to cancellation.Posted 2018-02-26 20:03:21