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That student loans should be interest-free

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2 points
Lars' FatherLars' Father (PRO)
I quit this site thanks, I just felt bad for Lars so I gave his site some activity kind of like his brother did. At first I was worried about using the site because I feared I would be DDoSing it since I don't know how poor Lars' major league servers were but then I https'd the site and had a revelatoin that ensured me I'd be safely accessing his delicate site which I got banned form for finding a way to be everyone's coach:

P.S. This time I didn't use a proxy so you can IP-track me babe. xoxo

Return To Top | Posted:
2015-12-20 01:53:12
9 years ago
| Speak Round
adminadmin (CON)
Thanks RationalMadman.

I'm sure your case would have been much stronger had you actually attempted to make an argument. Oh well. You'll be pleased to know that the servers in your messages there are those used by the former edeb8 host, not the current one. Presumably nobody ever bothered to update the https details because I never bothered to buy edeb8 a security certificate. But whatever. Regardless, recall that you were also banned for bullying, and for bringing the site down not once, but 3 times. Rather than exploit bugs, everyone else has reported them, which has made the site far more secure, rather than what you did, which inconvenienced every single member on this site.

Since you're admitting to being a banned user, I guess I have to ban you again. A brief reminder that like everyone else, you can come back with a sincere apology to the community. admin at edeb8 dot com will reach me if you've lost my email.

See ya.

Return To Top | Posted:
2015-12-20 02:15:29
9 years ago
| Speak Round

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