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That the Czech Republic should become an atheist state

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I thank the opposing position for accepting this debate over whether the Czech Republic should become an atheist state. 


The Czech Republic is a nation in central Europe, bordering the countries of Austria, Poland, Germany, and Slovakia. Out of those countries, all four have a significant Christian majority. The Czech Republic is an exception. According to the last Eurometer study in 2010, it is believed that  roughly 16% of Czech citizens declare faith in a god. This is less than any nation in Europe, followed closely by Sweden. According to trends on the growth of the irreligious belief, we can assume even less Czechs believe in a divine god. 

If the Czech Republic is so atheist dominated, then why allow parties like Top 09 and the Christian Democratic Union to take all the power? The senatorial Christian bloc is far fetched from the Czech Republic's religious demographics. The religious divide and tension being perpetuated by the minority is a clear indication that change must come. The answer? Eliminating the source of the problem itself, religion.

I'm not going to try and argue religion is awful. In fact, I disagree. That doesn't change the deep wound being left untended by the Czech government. The irreligious and religious will always fight for power if we don't defeat one of the two parties implicated. Since the irreligious are the majority, it is preferable that the religious hit the road. 

By making the Czech Republic an atheist state, we are telling the Christian parties that they no longer have a right to make Christian laws for the majority of people. We are also forcing those who spur religious tension to separate themselves from the problem. Imagine a religious diaspora on the same level of the Indian cession. Being an atheist state doesn't imply religion cannot still be practiced. It simply wont be encouraged or sanctioned by the government. It does make way for irreligious policies which are secular in nature. Some of these secular laws would be blocked by the Czech Republic's otherwise Christian laws. 

The Catholic Church will no longer be able to flex power over the Czech people. Remove the religious barrier, and this minority Christian coup de'at will fail. The Czech people will rise stronger than ever! All it takes is to officially declare the Czech Republic an atheist state. 

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2014-12-17 08:05:04
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