Outline of Debate
- Opening Statement/Acceptance/Contentions
- Refutations/Closing Statement
The affirmation clearly defends "That the Queen of England should resign" due to the fact that the English government should change. The contention will be as follows:
- Political beliefs must be changed.
- A ruler cannot make good decisions and people are bored of this.
Whoever in this debate ensures a strong English government, shall win.
Contention 2
The affirmation shall truly win since we will provide an essentially better government for the English government.
resign -voluntarily leave a job or other position
Due to the fact that the word should is an action, the affirmation intends on the policy/change that the Queen shall be replaced by her successor.
Contention 1
The first contention is that the political beliefs in England must change. Many countries now run under a president, or a ruler similar to one, while England is one of the very little to still have monarchs. Monarchs have proven to not be potential to the country since they do nothing. The Queen has not created change in her country, at least not as much as a regular president, such as Barack Obama would do in a full year. The potential of a president in such a great country is great and is necessary for an ultimate grand future in England. Many British citizens would believe that a less "monarchy-like" system in their country would be beneficial and would allow ultimate freedom to all in England.
Contention 2
The second contention is that the Queen can no longer make good decisions and that the people are bored of this. The Queen no longer is young, it is completely obvious, and sometimes such an old rule is not necessary for a country such as England since no ruler this old would prove beneficial to the country. This is why the Queen can sometimes not be trusted with the smallest things due to the lack of intelligence that she has as her age grows and youth fades away. This is not mean to be rude, but it is the honest truth, the Queen is too old to do anything anymore. This is exactly why people are tired of such as the person. The government must be tired of having the same person governing them for over 63 years, which proves that this government is bored. The government has to pay for a monarch that is not creating change and is essentially not helping. The Queen just sits there and acts pretty.
The affirmation shall truly win since we will provide an essentially better government for the English government.
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2016-11-01 13:05:47
8 years ago
| Speak Round
What must be noted at the onset of the debate is that the Monarchy in England serves a ceremonial and traditional purpose; to preserve the culture and heritage of the land and to add a sense of formality and prestige to the government and to the democracy. The Queen enjoys no powers as a Head of State and does not have any role to play in the judiciary, executive or legislature of the country. Furthermore, the Queen is not even the religious head of state as the Church of England is a body separate from the monarchy.
There are two aspects to this motion; that of the removal of the monarchy in England and that of the resignation of Elisabeth II as Queen.
Firstly, let us deal with the question of the presence of the monarchy in England;
Politically, the monarch adds a certain amount of prestige and dignity to the democracy already present in the country; the ceremonial appointment of the Prime Minister, the declarations and the dissolution of parliament, etc. as well as the Government and all actions, possessions and departments carrying the label of 'His/Her Majesty's'. It must be noted that the democracy is supreme in the country and the monarch has no de facto authority over the state.
Socially, the monarch is an asset for the country as the public in general has tremendous regard for their monarch and the heritage of their motherland. A sense of nationality and pride is instilled in society due to the monarch's presence. This is a commendable purpose served by the Monarch.
It must also be noted that the United Kingdom (especially England) is one of the most developed countries in the world; the nation prides itself on how brilliantly and smoothly its democracy functions. Case in point: The general elections in UK see active participation of the masses; more than most countries in the world, the Government and the Opposition come under the close scrutiny of the people who keep a check on how their constituencies and their Government's function, the Referendum for the separation of Scotland from the UK, the BREXIT referendum, etc.
Hence, there are no negative consequences of the presence of a monarch in the country.
Economically, there is no drain on the state treasury and finances or any drawbacks in the economy due to the monarch as minimal finances are dedicated by the Government to the royal family. The UK is one of the largest and most developed economies in the world and despite fluctuations due to BREXIT, the Pound Sterling remains the most valued currency in the world.
Hence, there is no reason for the ceremonial monarchy to be removed.
Coming to the current Queen Elisabeth II, there are numerous reasons as to why the very question of her resignation is a preposterous one;
Firstly, Elisabeth II is viewed as an icon, not only in her country, but all over the world, as the masses have immense respect for the 90 year old lady. Her presence is desired all over and her resignation would cause widespread commotion and disapproval.
Secondly, the Queen is a patron of over 600 organisations and charities, has demonstrated support for inter-faith relations and has met with leaders of other churches and religions, including five popes, has won a silver, golden and platinum jubilee and has several other aspects to her reign that sets her apart as a Queen.
Thirdly, Elisabeth II has recognised her role as a constitutional head and not an executive one and therefore, distances herself from all state politics; having made no comments about her ideological and political views in any public forum, as is required by one in that position.
The contention raised by the proposition is that the Queen is 'too old' to carry on as a monarch.
This contention is fraught with lack of logic as the purpose of the Queen is to act as a senior and elderly figure for the people to respect and honour.
And despite her age, the Queen carries on her activities and no hindrance has been observed so far.
Also, she does not lack a family and counsellors who shall be there to advise her should old age get the better of her.
Hence, there is absolutely no reason for the Queen to resign from her post.
It is shocking to find that the proposition is unaware of the fact that the United Kingdom is a democracy and the Queen of England is a ceremonial head of state. Hence, the entire argument for the motion; based on the Queen possessing political power she does not, collapses.
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2016-11-01 19:26:51
8 years ago
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Round Forfeited
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2016-11-02 19:27:01
8 years ago
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Round Forfeited
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2016-11-04 03:13:01
8 years ago
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God Save the Queen!Posted 2016-11-22 14:39:048 years ago
I apologise for having forfeited the second round which was owing to my inability to contest in the same as I had engagements preventing me from continuing my participation.Posted 2016-11-10 01:49:428 years ago