The hookup culture has caused the spread of STDs, along with unexpected pregnancies.
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2018-04-18 14:38:28
| Speak RoundMany STDs epidemics and pregnancies have appeared through the hookup culture. But that definately does not mean that this practise has to stop because there have been people who engaged in unprotected sex. Hookups are based on the idea that sexual pleasure and emotional closeness do not necessarily have to coexist. This means that sexual intercourse (and the effects it has on the body) can happen without an emotional bond existing before or after it. Of course that does not mean the intercourse should be unprotected or provocing physical harm. Participants could enjoy benefits of sex, such as, enforcing the immune system, lowering blood pressure and decreasing likelihood of heart disease, without having to become attached with each other. Apart from that sexual intercourse can have positive effects on the mental health of the participant such as a feeling of intimacy (that lasts as long as the intercourse) or stress relief or even increasing self-esteem .
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2018-04-19 02:14:13
| Speak RoundUpscyfees: Since the rise of STDs and unwanted pregnancies has led to the extented use of protection worldwide, do you believe that the lives of our generation and of the ones to come has dramatically improved on the part of health and sexual intercourse?
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With people having so much sex, they have a much higher chance of eventually hitting that 2% failure rate for condoms. In addition, the statement that condoms protect against STDs is only half true. Condoms do significantly protect against STDs, but only some of them. Condoms are useless in preventing the rest.
If one wants to enjoy the health benefits of sexual intercourse it is much better to enter a mutually monogamous relationship with someone who is also not infected.
To answer my opponents question, no. We would all be much safer practicing abstinence, or at least having only one partner. With the rise of STDs And unwanted pregnancies, undoubtedly because of the Hookup Culture, our generation has not helped sexual health at all.
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2018-04-21 00:53:10
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2018-04-22 00:54:01
| Speak RoundMharman: Do you concede?
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Round Forfeited
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2018-04-24 00:54:01
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