As we knows there are many issues about using mobile phones like cyber crime, social media bullying etc. In social media bullying, the most people involved in this issue are young age people. The effect of this bullying is dangerous. The victim can blame his/herself then do suicide because he/she think that he/she can't get happiness in his/her entire life. If many of young people die with unvailing it can affect the country's economy indirectly cause the country loss its potential person which can increase its income. Another case, we see many childern always playing their mobile phones or their parent's phones to play uneducated games that just waste their time useless. They use their study time to play, it will affect their grade in school and developing their passion thrpugh education. Using mobile phones oftenly also affect social interaction of person with their environment and it will mke t person become individual. So, i think there should be restrict age for using mobile phone, people under 17 shouldnt use mobile phones because young people are still labile and based on psycologal theory, in young age (about 10-17) people still searching their identity and still need the parents guide. So the negative effects of using mobile phones can be reduced by restricting age who are allowed for using mobile phones
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It is because that I believe in the modernization of technology that I negate “That there should be a legal age for using mobile phones”.
Observation 1 is that in order for my opponent to win this debate the affirmative burden is to provide at least more than 1 example in which we must absolutely place a legal age restriction.
Observation 2 is that in order for myself to win the debate, the negative burden is to provide at least 1 example in which it is fair to all that there should be no legal age restriction.
Observation 3 is that modern mobile phones have much safety systems to prevent harm, meaning that the phone can be used for its useful value of utility.
The highest value of this debate is utilitarianism. The value criterion should be the maximization of communication, which ultimately allows for more safety to be produced.
Contention 1 is that there are free parental
controls that allow for restrictions to be put in place.
Some mobile devices come with basic parental
controls -- but the options vary a lot depending on what you have. You can also
download apps such as Bark, Limitly, and TeenSafe to track
and control online activity, including text messaging and social media. -Common Sense Media
This showing that restrictions on age are not necessary for the fact that there are already restrictions that can easily and freely be put in place by the parents to prevent damage coming towards the child's phone.
Contention 2 is that parents enact the responsibility of the child’s phone for they are the ones who have legally purchased it.
Parents can encourage children to think before they post, critically analyze that they read for accuracy, be vigilant when sharing personal information, trust their intuition and seek the guidance of a parent or other adult when they receive a communication that is inappropriate or causes them to feel apprehensive, consider how fast information and images get forwarded to people beyond your group of friends via texting, IM, and e-mail, and remember that online choices can have offline consequences and in some cases, legal implications. -Tonawanda City School District
This showing the importance that parents have towards the awareness that there child has when using the device, for they enact reasonable responsibility for anything the child does on that device that the parents purchased.
Contention 3 is that phones have utility that is completely safe to the individual, and promotes more safety, education, and more.
The Pros of Letting a Teenager have a Mobile Phone [includes] It's a bargaining tool. Keeping track of teens. [And] Emergencies. -Child Development Institute
This showing the positive effects that phones that are becoming more technologically advanced have towards the individual, regardless of there age.
In my next argument I will be refuting my opponents case.
For these reasons, I ask you to vote negative in today's debate.
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Round Forfeited
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All my arguments remain extended.
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Round Forfeited
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Round Forfeited
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Round Forfeited
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This speech will de dedicated upon crystallization, which will be structured into a summary of debate argumentations, and then move on to major voting issues.
When judging this debate the judge must first analyze the arguments I presented. My value and value criterion in today's debate is of such great value. The value of utilitarianism proves to have more importance when voting in today's debate for we are using these electronic devices to their greatest capabilities towards children when voting for the negation. My 1st observation was negated and dropped by my opponent for they failed to provide at least more than one example in which we must absolutely place a legal age restriction. Now, for my second observation, I did not specifically provide an example in the beginning, but I will now:
- believing in the modernization of technology
- believing in safety towards the future of our generation of children
- believing in the utility a phone provides to all
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Please read my entire comment.
OK, time to say my word on this.
When I asked this question to myself, I felt, yes there should be a legal age for the use of mobiles as there are many disadvantages and problems( most of them had been mentioned below)
So before arriving at a solution, we should think that whether this legal age for the usage of mobile phones is technically feasible. Suppose, if a 12 year old boy uses his father's mobile phone. What can we do there? Should there be penalties or imprisonment??? Haha
In this new gen world, a legal age for using mobile phones is very hard to implement and I don't think that a law would prevent this.Posted 2017-03-13 04:06:21
Thank you for taking the time to take part in this debate @ulvanoradina ! If anybody has any questions, or would like to debate this topic once again with me, I am glad to answer and I am always available!Posted 2017-02-27 15:30:57
I greatly apologize for the color used in my last argument. I understand that that "neon" green is hard to see. Posted 2017-02-25 04:35:45
no[e nobody on
Posted 2017-02-23 12:35:10
no[e nobody on
Posted 2017-02-23 12:35:09
no[e nobody on
Posted 2017-02-23 12:35:07
no[e nobody on
Posted 2017-02-23 12:35:05
no[e nobody on
Posted 2017-02-23 12:35:04
no[e nobody on
Posted 2017-02-23 12:35:02
Lets do this, Open Napolean!
Posted 2017-02-23 12:34:35
What is being debated here is for the good of society. Posted 2017-02-20 14:14:18
@BioHazard What do you mean by this?Posted 2017-02-20 14:11:40
For the good of society.Posted 2017-02-20 11:30:24
Hello, as the debater, I would like to allow a few rules of my own for the debate:
1. I do not allow more than 1 chance in time extension.
2. I do not allow arrogance. I do not allow help. I do not allow plagiarism.
3. I do not permit forfeits due to the fact that you have accepted and should be aware about your schedule. I would call you out for this strongly if a forfeit happens.
4. Comments during the debate regarding the topic is not allowed. No vote bombing is agreeable by me.
5. This is just a debate. Regardless of winner, we are all a family here at EDEB8! If you accept, we will all have FUN!Posted 2017-02-17 13:08:40