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That we should arm teachers

4 points
0 points
JackSpratJackSprat (PRO)
Here is a high-level view of my position.  I will elaborate and defend with evidence further based on CON's response. 

1.  School security can be expensive.  Teachers who are armed can drastically reduce security costs.
2.  Armed teachers are a known deterrent.
3.  Addressing shooters immediately with armed resistance reduces carnage, often resulting in suicide by the attacker.
4,. Arming teachers is not an all or nothing concept.    Local districts will have the final say.
5.  Speed to respond is greatly increased.  Active shooter incidents last about 5 minutes, and police response can be up to 18 minutes.
6.  A safer environment leads to better pedagogical outcomes.

That is the basis of my position, for which I reserve the right to add to and qualify on request.

I look forward to CON's basic position.

Return To Top | Posted:
2020-04-20 11:11:50
| Speak Round
JackSpratJackSprat (PRO)
Despite my opponent giving me ample time to reconsider my position, I regret to inform her that my position stands.  
Return To Top | Posted:
2020-04-26 20:09:58
| Speak Round

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