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That we should support the New Atheism movement

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9spaceking9spaceking (PRO)
My argument is simple. New Atheism has its root in denying religion which has many big leaps in faith. But this faith is heavily misguided as there is little evidence of it actually existing. Wiki alone has an entire list of wars caused by religion (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religious_war). In contrast, there isn't even one war that has ever been justified on an empirical and objective basis. It's always power, land, money, other selfish human wants. there has been no "scientific" war with bloodshed. The New Atheism movement pushes forward the seemingly cold scientific basis in order to desire lack of bias. With selfish emotions all taken away, it would be impossible to begin war. We would only have innovation and progress to gain from the new atheism movement. Scientists unify towards the common goal of new technology and helping humanity overall. Religions are so ambiguous as they only want to help the "God" and appease him. Yet we ignore what we actually know is true beyond a reasonable doubt: the people are here. The people need our help. And isn't peace, humanity and unity the best goals that humanity should strive for?
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2020-12-03 09:12:38
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