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That we should use Voter IDs to protect against voter fraud

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ultimate.debaterultimate.debater (PRO)

Debate Argumentation – Round 1 Pro

Hello, my name is Brandon and I am extremely proud to be affirmation on the topic “That we should use Voter ID’s to protect against voter fraud”, because the affirmation provides a greater net benefit, and therefore becomes a more successful argument. But, before starting my argumentation I would like to wish the best of luck to my opponent, now for a specific guideline of the basis for all my rounds in this debate. Due to the fact that there are 4 rounds, but only 4000 characters per round it will be limited:

1.  Opening Constructive Case

2.  Rebuttal Speech

3.  Rebuttal Speech 2

4.  Closing Statement

All rules for this debate follow the basic guidelines of this website presented in the Site Rules. 

So, without delay, here is my opening constructive case:

Standard for Evaluation –The standard for evalutation for this debate is that without Voter ID’s used to identify specific people, this can lead to an unjustified vote, therefore many consequences follow up.

Observations –

·  Voter ID’s are very cheap and not extremely difficult for the US government to monitor

·  The Voter ID’s could be used in a way that would help benefit the accuracy of voting.

·  Some negative people that are not allowed to vote can be denied, therefore leading to a more democratic vote.

·  Voting is a right inside every individual self that is part of the US citizenship counrty, and that right should be enforced and put into maintenance.

Contention 1 is that the use of Voter ID’s is more accurate than the current voting system.

The current voter system has no way to monitor the amount of credible citizens that become part of the voting system. Simply, anywhom who can pull of the false indentification of a subject can result in the vote of somebody else’s name illegally. This cannot be permitted because the Voter ID is able to identify the person completely and provides a more accurate system to the whole voting entirety. This whole fraud can hurt the democratic system that we Americans deserve as citizens.

The impact for this contention is that Voter ID’s provide a more accurate and more democratic vote, this ultimately leads to an increase of satisfaction.

Contention 2is that Voter ID’s can signifantly change the democratic aspects of the country.

The easy and cheap use of Voter ID’s is completely inexpensive and provides the government with more control. The democracy is more proven because it is the peoples vote, it is our deserved vote as American citizens that deserve their vote be counted for. It is completely absurd to stand on negation when they are not defending the rights of American democracy. It is our duty as citizens to promote and use of democracy which is the complete part of the Consitution which cannot be put against us. The ultimate debate itself here lies on the most beneficial amounts to the country and the citizens in the US that deserve the rights of democracy. 

The impact for this contention is that the Voter ID’s allow for a better promotion of the democracy towards all the citizens and the government of America, therefore, Voter ID’s are able to promote democratic change which is originally intented by the founding fathers in our Constitution.

Let us promote the rights of democracy, allow for the citizens to have a voice in there voting, and prevent false voting by voting affirmation!

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2017-01-23 12:31:36
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