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That workplaces are generally better off with uniforms

0 points
4 points
Undovic88Undovic88 (PRO)
Uniforms keep order and example in check. When you're employed for a certain company one of your jobs is to maintain THEIR image, thus meaning expressing yourself through the way you look isn't very appropriate. 

-Uniforms teach individuals to dress appropriately and take pride in their appearance. 
-In SOME cases uniforms protect the employees (ex: Construction, Mechanics, etc)
-Uniforms improve security (Colors etc can determine who does and does not belong in that work area)
-Promotes team spirit/company pride

That being said, if employees only reason to not want to where uniforms is because 'It's uncomfortable' or 'I want to be myself' Then they should consider getting a new job, or dealing with their life the way it is because at the end of the day its about getting paid. 

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2018-05-12 13:25:54
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GuitarKirbyGuitarKirby (CON)
To begin, let's draw the difference between a dress code and a uniform.

A Uniform is a strict set of wear provided to employees in whole or in part by a workplace, and is required to be worn in a specific way by that workplace.

A Dress Code is a list of acceptable wear provided by the employer. No part of this dress code is necessarily provided by the workplace.

I would like to begin by argument by agreeing with my opponent that uniforms are a necessity when it comes to the purposes of safety. Obviously construction workers, airport employees, factory workers, etc should be required to wear proper safety equipment. Now let's talk about the purpose of uniforms beyond this point

Those who defend the workplace uniform often say that it helps distinguish employees from regular shoppers in a work environment, that they separate certain jobs in workplaces where there are multiple sections (eg retail, Best Buy sales v. Geek Squad), that uniform wear helps to build a sense of community or team with coworkers, and that employees are representing a company, not themselves. I'll be dismissing or arguing these points in the order above.

1) How do I know who works here? In workplaces where employees and customers share a floor, it is often argued that a uniform is a necessity to distinguish the two groups. Really, though, this can be accomplished through no more than a dress code and a name tag; uniforms are NOT necessary.

2) What's your job? Some environments like retail or food service have different employees wearing different uniforms. This idea, for one, is in direct contrast to the first point argued. It also reinforces hierarchical thinking, with managers given uniforms that make them distinct from the employees under them. This could be disheartening to employees who feel that their manager is no longer a part of the same team as they are.

3) Team Pride! Sales floor coworkers are often told to think of themselves as a team and to work together. But this is often in direct contrast to competitive practices within a business, where those who work hard and are successful are rewarded, and vice versa. Besides, wouldn't it say something about your employees to know who uses a dress code to dress appropriately and who uses it to dodge doing so?

4) Employees Represent the Company! Indeed they do, but it says something about a company when they let their employees choose for themselves how they appear vs demanding a uniform appearance for all employees. For a set of standards to avoid major issues, a dress code would suffice.

This is only a counter-argument. There are real problems with uniforms, as well. A study on the effects of uniforms in Vegas' service industry found that "The wisest course is for managers to involve employees in uniform selection," almost like... a Dress Code! (Nelson et al) Small business writer Lisa McQuerrey states "Employees who feel uniforms remove choice and individuality may feel
they are just a face in the crowd and that there is no way to
distinguish themselves to management, which can result in an increase in
apathy and a decline in productivity."

I look forward to Pro's next argument.

Return To Top | Posted:
2018-05-15 06:54:47
| Speak Round
GuitarKirbyGuitarKirby (CON)
I extend previous arguments. I'll also add that security devices such as reflective vests and hard hats can be worn in addition to dress codes.

Return To Top | Posted:
2018-05-29 14:52:30
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Previous Judgments

2018-06-15 02:34:00
ImbsterJudge: Imbster
Win awarded to: GuitarKirby
Both participants have stated good points about the cultural and social views of uniforms. That is a good mark. Both started off well and both had few to none major grammatical errors/lapses.Good resource search by GuitarKirby seen by the mention of a survey, which is a primary source, concerning opinion on uniforms/dress code though do post a link to such next time. Both have organized their arguments in an easy to follow manner though GuitarKirby had more content(in terms of the 1st round only). GuitarKirby made a spot on mark about hierarchical ideology about uniforms. I believe con also managed to rebut all of pro's points or replied to all of them. I then give the points to GuitarKirby for performing better as con. You chose not to completely aggressively resent pro's ideas and instead suggested another idea which is a good skill. Looking at opposing/past ideas with improvisation.

I think you are busy...I've seen your other debates and your debate style resembles speeches which is never wrong. You do make short statements but they do contain much of the content anyway and have granted you a high win percentage but
-Have more definitions. Pro has a good chance to turn debate titles around! for example, declaring that 'man' for this debate, will refer to an unspecified sex and this is completely fine as the term may be used this way. Don't overdo though.

-Keep up the good work and try to post more links to resources. Higher academics requires tons of sources, it's good practice you don't have to I mean it's just feedback.
-It's good you define terms if pro has not
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