As agreed upon with my opponent (in the comments section), we will only explain the importance of our battles in the first round. I explained in the rules that my opponent will have to choose a battle that he believes was more important than the battle of Stalingrad and argue his case. I would like to thank Nzlockie for accepting this debate and will now proceed to explain the importance of the battle of Stalingrad and how it effected the outcome of WWII.
- The first and most obvious reason for why the battle of Stalingrad was important was because the Nazi defeat during this battle saved the Soviet city of Stalingrad from falling into German hands. The city of Stalingrad was the second most important city in the Soviet Union (after Moscow). There are several reasons for this. First of all, Stalingrad was a major production center in the USSR and the factories at Stalingrad contributed greatly to the Soviet war effort. The city sat on the Volga river and all oil from the Soviet oil fields in the Caucuses had to flow up the Volga. Also, Stalingrad was a major communication hub in the Soviet Union. In addition to all of this, Stalingrad was the city named after the Soviet dictator Josef Stalin. The loss of Stalingrad would have had huge political consequences for the Soviet Union since its allies beliefs that the USSR was losing the war in the east would have been confirmed. Therefore, the Western Allies would have been less eager to launch offensives against the axis and open a second front. With the loss of Stalingrad, the entire Soviet Union would have been greatly demoralized. However the battle was won causing Germany's allies, Hungary, Romania, and Italy, to begin questioning their alliances with Germany and start to look for a pretext to pull out of the war. While this did not immediately happen after the battle, Germany's allies started to send less troops to the front. The German army was demoralized and some politicians and officers began to plot against Hitler seeing that he was leading the German nation to destruction. Turkey entering the war on the axis side, which at the time was definitely a possibility, was put out of the question. [1]
- Another reason that the German defeat at Stalingrad was important was because it saved the rich oil-fields of the Caucuses (Grozny, Baku, Maykop being the largest) which provided some 95% of Soviet oil. Had the Soviet Union been defeated at Stalingrad, the Wehrmacht could then have pushed into the Caucuses and seized these vital oil fields thus gaining them for the German war effort. If my opponent doubts that the battle of Stalingrad decided the fate of the Caucuses then he must only look at the fact that Germany committed a total of about a million soldiers to the capture of Stalingrad and much fewer to the capture of the Caucuses. General Alfred Jodl, chief of the OKW Operations Staff said that "the fate of the Caucuses would be decided at Stalingrad." [2] On top of this, German forces were forced to retreat from the Caucuses following their defeat at Stalingrad since the defeat at Stalingrad threatened to cut off Army Group A. The loss of the Caucus oil fields would have had dire consequences for the Soviet war effort. Without oil, how would Soviet tanks, bombers, fighter planes, and other aircraft and vehicles necessary to fight the war operate? The loss of the Caucus oil fields would have meant that it would only be a matter of time before the Soviet Union would be unable to continue its war effort. Unless a second front opened immediately diverting many German divisions elsewhere, the Germans would have been able to launch an offensive to capture Moscow and after that, the Soviet Union would have ceased to have much of an impact on the fighting in WWII.
- An importance of the battle of Stalingrad that is often overlooked is that the failure of the German summer offensive in southern Russia stopped the Reich from invading the British Empire. The German defeat at Stalingrad prevented the Wehrmacht from breaking into the Middle East which was lightly defended. From the middle east, the Germans could have reached India and Egypt and possible link up with Japan. Not only would Hitler have captured the British oil fields in the Middle East, he would have been able to threaten the entire British Empire.
- Axis forces suffered a staggering 850,000 casualties during the battle of Stalingrad. Germany also lost 1,500 tanks, 900 aircraft, and 6,000 artillery pieces. Stalingrad was the bloodiest battle in history, the single largest German defeat in WWII and the largest turning point of the war in Europe. No other battle in WWII saw close to as many axis casualties as Stalingrad. [3][4]
- There were three ways that American and British supplies reached the Soviet Union; 1) the Pacific Route 2) the Arctic route 3) Persian Corridor. The Persian Corridor came from the Persian Gulf, went on through Iran, and then through the Caucuses. These supplies greatly impacted the fighting in the Caucuses since allied supplies could easily reach Soviet troops under attack in the region. One documentary I watched claimed that some 42% of the tanks available to the Soviet Union in the Caucuses Front were British and American models. As I explained earlier, the defeat a Soviet defeat at Stalingrad would have resulted in the Caucuses being captured and the Germans being able to invade the middle east. Therefore, the important supply route through Iran would have been closed.
Amongst the cities and towns liberated by the Red Army in the winter of 1943 was the city of Kursk where the next major German defeat at Soviet hands would come. The Red Army would then proceed to launch offensives which would liberate Ukraine. In 1944, the Soviet Union launched Operation Bagration where four Soviet fronts encircled and destroy Germany's Army Group Center, a victory which would open the road to Berlin and the surrender of Nazi Germany.
However none of these victories would have happened without the German defeat at Stalingrad.
[1] http://www.telegraph.co.uk/sponsored/rbth/features/9942742/stalingrad-second-world-war.html
[2] http://www.ibiblio.org/hyperwar/USA/USA-EF-Decision/USA-EF-Decision-17.html
[3] http://ww2db.com/battle_spec.php?battle_id=3
[4] http://totallyhistory.com/battle-of-stalingrad/
[5] http://www.worldwar-2.net/famous-quotes/famous-quotes-index.htm
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I'd like to welcome the Judges and thank my opponent for setting up this debate. From a little research I understand this is a resolution which seems dear to his heart and I'm honoured to accept the first instance of it on Edeb8!

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I thank my opponent for his round. I'll address his points in reverse order before continuing to build my case.
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At this point, I clearly cannot win this debate and therefore there is no point in me posting. The previous times I have done this debate I used my own definition of "important" and therefore didn't even think of adding to the rules that this was a debate about which battle had the most effect on the outcome of WWII. Anyway, I congratulate my opponent on his victory.
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I thank my opponent for the concession - however I don't accept it.
I haven't contested his 2nd round definition of "Important" although I'll agree that the resolution didn't link that term with the outcome of the war, thus freeing me to argue the case I have done.
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This debate was disappointing for me to watch. The affirming position should of won in a landslide. I respect the other judges decisions. I do strongly disagree with them though. At least everyone seemed to learn something from this debate, and for that I am actually pretty happy.Posted 2015-01-11 12:18:16
Figured, just thought I'd play along with the current order
(the aforementioned "third vote" was removed)Posted 2014-10-25 16:36:34
I know, right? That guy sucks at judging.Posted 2014-10-25 16:10:33
That third vote is outrageous. Reported.Posted 2014-10-22 09:24:48
Oh I know it! Youre my white whale! I'll get you yet! Posted 2014-10-17 20:40:05
Don't worry nzlockie, we're the closing half of that 4-way. If there's somebody you can count on not to win against by forfeit it's probably me.
Oh I don't think you can win, I'm just sick of winning by forfeits and concessions. You definitely have a case so I could legitimately lose. I'm good with that. I don't feel I argued this case as strongly as I could have. I'll admit that I was kind of counting on you to go a different way in round two. That was probably an error on my part which has left my case a little weaker than it should be.Posted 2014-10-17 19:54:48
Shrug, you had your domino theory proved and there were no more arguments I could have made against it. I'm not sure why you decided I could have still somehow won but thanks anyway.Posted 2014-10-16 01:08:58
Well THAT finished quickly!Posted 2014-10-15 12:35:58
oh ok sorryPosted 2014-10-12 10:57:53
omg I'm so over this. Posted 2014-10-12 10:54:38
"I'd like to welcome the Judges and thank my opponent for setting up this debate. From a little research I understand this is a resolution which seems dear to his heart and I'm honoured to accept the first instance of it on Edeb8!"
Correction: this resolution isn't dear to my heart, I just happen to know a lot about WWII and am interested in it. And also, considering the fact that on another debate site, people have succeeded in arguing that the battles of Moscow and Kursk were more important (and beat me in those debates). Therefore, I don't understand why you felt that I was trying to make this debate rigged and give me all the advantages. Anyway, I will be posting my round soon.Posted 2014-10-12 08:38:14
I'm getting some bad vibes. Let's keep it calm.
I wont proceed to give anymore of my thoughts, on any ongoing debates, until I feel confident in the conclusion reached in this thread.
http://www.edeb8.com/forum/EDEB8.com+Site/452/0/#post9003Posted 2014-10-11 18:28:44
You've started a thread on this and I'm continuing this there.
Posted 2014-10-11 18:22:09
I simply can't fathom why you would be opposed to me stating facts that a debater may actually decide to use. If something incorrect is said, like any good debater, it would be fact checked. The truth is just closer, and in debate, the idea is to reach a common truth. If you feel truth must be kept private so one side can win, based on the other side not having proper information, then there is an integrity gap.
Why do you think it's unfair for me to give correct information here, when at the same time you could possibly get away with an incorrect argument? IMHO, the integrity of the debate is more at stake when one side wins based on fallacious, but un-refuted evidence. Posted 2014-10-11 18:16:42
So if I were to make a forum regarding the Most Important Battle of WW2, would it be acceptable for debaters to look there rather than here? If what I'm saying is true, then I'm putting the information in an accessible place. If the information isn't good, then no one has to use it. I'm not favoring one side, and if I were, that would be more understandable.
Any advantage you feel I may be giving to one side, is a hidden opportunity to the other. If I refute an incorrect comment on the breaking of a non existent "non-aggression" pact, that still has no impact on the debate, and that still must be refuted by the other debater. So I'm not sure what kind of edge you think I've given STALIN, but if anything, it was a strong indication that you will need to defend that argument next round.
Posted 2014-10-11 18:12:01
Mate the point is that this kind of "educational advice" can be given AFTER the debate has finished. That way it is still helpful but without actually influencing. This debate is supposed to be me vs Stalin. Now it's me vs Stalin vs You. Except we're the only two who actually get judged.
Please just keep these kinds of comments to yourself until after the debate has finished.
They wouldn't be acceptable if yelled by an audience member during a live debate and there's no difference here. Posted 2014-10-11 18:04:26
I wish wrichriw were here. He explains it better than I can. Commentary on debate's shouldn't be limited or restricted. Nothing said here is indicative of what's being said in the debate. If I give away an argument to either side, they are free to use it. Just as they are free to use any other reference or information on the internet to research their topic.
Saying debate's shouldn't be discussed, is asking whether or not debates need to even happen in the first place. Understanding the topic and reaching legitimate conclusions is the reason debates even exist. I just don't get why what I say must be censored, because one side could actually learn something from it and apply it?
Can't remember the philosophical theorem this is called, but anything that can be an advantage to one side is an advantage to the other. If you think what I say puts a debater at a disadvantage, that's not my fault, but the mindset of the debater in question. Posted 2014-10-11 17:55:44
I'm big on fair debates, so I'm just going to say this now. Csareo you need to stop giving feedback/advice/information in the comment sections of debates you're not competing in. Posted 2014-10-11 17:48:11
Good plan
Posted 2014-10-11 17:46:17
Nothing I say here is relevant on what's said in the debate btw. I judge based on what the opponent says, not what I do.
I feel I might of given away an argument, so I'm going to stop commenting on this debate for awhile. Posted 2014-10-11 17:45:05
I'm big on historical accuracy, so I'm just going to say this now. Germany dissolved its non agression pact with poland months before the invasion. Technically westerplatte didn't belong to Poland, but a league of nations mandate known as the "Free City of Danzig", roughly the size of modern day Connecticut. The Danzig Nazi Party took control of the legislature and dissolved its independence, which by modern UN standards, made Danzig legally part of Germany.
Poland sent in a militia of 80 men to protect it from an actual occupation. The Nazi Ships stationed in the local harbor fired on the garrison.
In all fairness, Westerplatte coincided with several other offensives, the first being the "Battle of the Border". To prove Westerplatte was most important in a historical sense, you would need to prove that the Battle of the Border was a domino off of Westerplatte. Posted 2014-10-11 17:43:22
Yep. I'm not allowed to argue more than one battle. Posted 2014-10-11 17:41:24
Okay, it looks like I misread your final couple paragraphs. You are arguing that the Pacific Front had been a result of Westerplatte.Posted 2014-10-11 17:29:53
@NZlockie - I did read your argument. You're pushing a domino effect, which I think is smart. The problem is that you only have to provide one battle more important than Stalingrad, so if you think the Pacific Front was more significant, then why are you choosing to focus energy on two battles?Posted 2014-10-11 17:27:11
Just my thoughts on the topic in general, I don't believe actions taken in Western Front or campaigns in the extreme Eastern Front were significant. The idea of Germany having a prolonged invasion of French and Russian lands was out of the question, especially since the Free French Army was constantly growing in strength.
I could foresee Germany controlling The Netherlands, Baltic States, Romania, and Ukraine for a long time, maybe even to present day. Many people confuse the third reich's territorial expansion as a land grab, but that's another huge misconception. Hitler's plan was to knock France and Britain out of the war, and then turn against Stalin to control the Ural Plateau/Baltic Peninsula.
I guarantee you if Axis won the war, the boundaries of Europe would look closer to what they did in 1917, rather than an entirely Nazi controlled Europe. Germany's military leaders simply didn't have the time or found the necessity of building puppet governments like they did in the first world war. Turkey would probably have a stake in the Baltic, and Germany would have a expanded border from saars to konisberg.
The reason why the Pacific Front was more significant, was that there wasn't any establishment of nation-states like in Europe. Japan could of conquered much of present day South Asia and easily assimilated it into their empire. Even if some ethnic tension resulted in a couple newly independent puppet states, long term military occupation of Asia was far more realistic with Japan than Germany. Posted 2014-10-11 17:25:58
Did you even read my argument?
Posted 2014-10-11 17:20:45
Okay, originally I was kinda iffy on NZlockie's proposal. If you think the pacific theater was more significant than the European theater (to which I agree), then how come you're debating Westerplatte and not Guadacanal?Posted 2014-10-11 17:10:41
I'm not trying to make this debate more difficult for you. Sorry if it might have appeared that way.Posted 2014-10-10 08:56:25
Well I said in the rules that you could only pick one battle to argue. Anyway, I think what we agreed upon is fine. I'm not sure how any of this makes your position look bad but w/e.
Anyway, we came to an agreement. Enough said. Good luck in the debate.Posted 2014-10-10 08:54:35
@Stalin, sorry, we were obviously posting at the same time and mine was longer than yours.
I hope you understand where I was coming from. I don't actually think you are trying to craft a debate that is impossible to win, it's just that this is already a tough case for con without removing all extra advantages they have.
I look forward to your first round. Posted 2014-10-10 08:53:25
Why? Honestly, what difference would it make? He is arguing that Stalingrad was the most important battle in WW2. It shouldn't matter which other battle I choose because his has to be more important than ALL of them.
Stalingrad was a massively important battle. Many historians agree that it signaled the turning point in the war. He wrote both the resolution AND the rules. He gets to present first, which is usually an advantage, especially when he is forcing me to adopt part of the BOP. I've agreed to use my first round only for constructive, something I was under no obligation to do and which loses me the only advantage in going second.
I even acquiesced to his rule-after-the-fact that I could only submit one alternative battle, which I thought showed very good grace on my part.
In my opinion, allowing me the chance to present my case without any chance of contamination from his first round is the very least he can do. He surely knows the most likely candidates, there aren't that many. If Stalingrad was more important than all of them, why does it matter.
As always, I intend to argue the resolution. If he wants to craft a debate so tightly as to remove all possibility of a loss, then he should do so. I appreciated the fact that he has left some opportunity for CON in the way he's done this one so I accepted it, even though I don't normally enjoy war debates.
To be honest all this posturing before the first round is even posted is really making my side look bad, when I think I have bent over backwards to accommodate him. Posted 2014-10-10 08:49:53
@Csareo: was original plan but this works too. Thanks for your input though
OK so first round is for explaining the importance of each of our battles (no arguments/rebuttals). Sounds good.Posted 2014-10-10 08:28:38
NZlockie, Stalin and me had a long conversation about how he would know his opponent's battle. I think you should tell him your choice now.
Posted 2014-10-10 08:22:03
And yes, I'll pick just ONE of my battles. Posted 2014-10-10 07:26:26
There's no conflict. Your rules say I need to communicate my choice to you, which I intend to do... In round one. I don't feel that's unfair at all. It would have been simple to attach a timing qualifier to your rules, its not unreasonable for me to assume that the fact you didn't do so indicated that it wouldn't matter to you.
I'm happy to use my first round as constructive only. Posted 2014-10-10 07:25:05
So to summarize everything that I'v said, the only way for you to prove that Stalingrad was NOT the most important battle of WWII, you must prove that there was a battle during WWII that was MORE important. From what I understand, you have two or three battles that you wish to argue. It would be easier for both of us and we would probably have a more organized debate if you picked only ONE of those battles (maybe the battle that you believe will give you the strongest position). If you wish to cancel this debate, then I suppose I could contact admin and ask him to remove it.
Its all up to you but I feel that there is nothing wrong with what I am proposing.Posted 2014-10-10 07:07:29
I apologize if my resolution and rules conflict.Posted 2014-10-10 06:35:55
I specifically said that you needed to communicate to me the battle you believe was more important. However if you insist, then the first round for both of us can be simply telling about why our battles are important and reserve the second and third rounds for explaining why each of our battles were MORE important. In this way, you don't need to tell me your battle but you can only use the first round to explain the importance of your battle. Is this what you wish to do?Posted 2014-10-10 06:35:03
No, there are three rounds. This way your first round will be constructive only. Don't worry, you'll get plenty of time to rebut my battle in the next two rounds.
The resolution YOU wrote is not that Stalingrad was a MORE important battle, it was that it was the MOST important battle. It doesn't matter what my battle is, because you are arguing that your was more important than any of them.
All my job is, is to show that there was at least one other battle more important than yours.
By holding back my battle til it's my turn to post, I ensure that the first impression the judges get of it is a favourable one. Allowing you to rebut it before I've even introduced it is just incredibly weak.
I have my battle now. Go ahead and post your first round and it'll come soon enough.
I'm sorry if this annoys you, but you should know I never would have agreed to this debate if you'd made the terms that I needed to tell you my battle before we started. Posted 2014-10-10 06:06:13
But I need to argue why Stalingrad was more important than whichever battle you choose. Therefore I need to know before I can post round one. If you need a few more days then that's fine since I have a week to post.Posted 2014-10-10 01:17:57
I haven't 100% decided on my battle yet. Obviously there are a few to choose from. Make your case and I'll decide before it's my turn. It'll be a fun surprise for you to look forward to...Posted 2014-10-09 15:57:32
okokPosted 2014-10-09 11:10:05
I am not suggesting anything
I don't know. And there are several battles that one might argue were more important than WWII (if your suggesting Con has little to no chance in this debate).Posted 2014-10-09 11:08:23
@Stalin,I have seen it on DDO a while back and I think I voted on it.....and we both know how this turns out; don't we?Posted 2014-10-09 11:06:07
Which battle have you chosen?Posted 2014-10-09 11:04:47
@stalin, understood. Battle it is then. Roll on!Posted 2014-10-09 11:04:10
@csareo, his rules don't say anything about me commiting to a battle in the comments. I WILL communicate my choice to him, as they state, but I'd rather do it in round as it gives me a strategic advantage.
Personally I think Stalingrad is a solid choice and there are some very good arguments for it. f like to grab every advantage I canPosted 2014-10-09 11:02:41
"My opponent must choose a WWII battle that he/she believes was more important than Stalingrad and argue why."
I said this in the rules. I don't think there is much left for me to say. You can pick any other battle of WWII that you believe was more important and had a greater impact on the outcome of WWII.Posted 2014-10-09 10:59:16
Well your resume says the "most" important. This means that only one battle needs be more important before you lose.
I'll pick one then. So does it have to be a battle or can it be a smaller individual conflict? My contention is that often the smallest decisions end up being the most influential. It might be a harder case, but I'd rather argue that. It won't be anything to do with Stalingrad though. Posted 2014-10-09 10:55:19
Where have you seen this debate before? And how does it turn out?Posted 2014-10-09 10:53:50
I have seen this debate before.......I know how this turns out too.Posted 2014-10-09 10:51:16
So if you picked two battles and only proved that one was more important while I also proved one was more important I would lose? That would be unfair. Fine, you can only pick one battle to argue.Posted 2014-10-09 10:51:09
Actually according to your res, either one battle would be sufficient to defeat your side...Posted 2014-10-09 10:49:06
I suppose you can have as many as you want but you will have to prove that ALL of them impacted the outcome of WWII more than the battle of Stalingrad.Posted 2014-10-09 10:48:19
Also, can I submit a single smaller conflict rather than a whole battle? If so, I have three. I don't want to argue three though, I'll select two or one, depending on what you say. Posted 2014-10-09 10:46:26
You would need to prove that both of those battles were more important in their effect on the outcome of WWII than Stalingrad was. Do you wish to do this?Posted 2014-10-09 10:43:58
I was going to do Fort Cazzuco just for the hell of itPosted 2014-10-09 10:43:18
You're supposed to give your argument in the commentsPosted 2014-10-09 10:42:53
Challenge accepted. I have two battles in mind, do I need to select one or can I argue for both? Posted 2014-10-09 10:39:40
As I explained in the rules section, my opponent will have to pick a WWII battle that he/she believes was more important than Stalingrad and argue.Posted 2014-10-09 09:05:28