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The KKK was created to keep neighborhoods nice.

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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
When Blacks were released into society after the Civil War, Whites were immediately worried. They didn't want the pleasant and refined atmosphere of their towns and neighborhoods being corrupted. Since the federal government ignored President Lincoln's call to deport Blacks, in order to protect traditional society, the KKK was instituted as a White-culture policing force.
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2021-01-06 10:03:19
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ZackDavis1997ZackDavis1997 (CON)
The KKK was not created to keep neighborhoods nice, but to allow men who wanted to remain in power, and express that power in a violent way to a group of individuals. The use of violence and the destruction of surrounding neighborhoods not only on a standpoint of terror of others who lived in neighborhoods, aka the African American population but bringing the value of the houses around the neighborhood, low money low resources. Besides Pro has forgotten that neighborhood defined by the dictionary is a district, especially one forming a community within a town or city. That includes the community that was a black population, therefore I am sure that their neighborhood did not think that the KKK was creating a nice neighborhood.  Furthermore Pro stated kkk were worried about the black population but they as a group also attacked white republicans, this in itself should state that their purpose was terror, terror to put others in their beliefs. 
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2021-01-07 02:41:12
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.Power is irrelevant...there is no way for a Black to come into town and take power. The KKK didn't want ANY Blacks in town because they ruined the ambience. 2.White social power is expressed violently only when a threat will not leave. 3."African American" does not mean "Black". There are other races from Africa. 4.Home values plummet when Blacks move into a neighborhood. 5.The KKK didn't care about Black ghetto areas. They just didn't want Blacks in White areas. 6.The KKK doesn't have to create nice areas. White areas always are nice. 7. The KKK attacked Whites who were against Whites. Doing that is common sense. 8.Again, violence/terror is only used by Whites when Blacks won't leave them alone.
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2021-01-07 03:56:49
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ZackDavis1997ZackDavis1997 (CON)
African american definition is termed as 1 : a native or inhabitant of Africa. 2 : a person and especially a black person of African ancestry as defined as defined in the dictionary furthermore  KKK also would bring free blacks and drag them out of republic states into the towns and lynch them if they did not vote democratic, not only did they do this bringing black into their town, but they would violently go after white republicans during votes in order to turn them into a democratic parties. Furthermore they would attack middle class northerners who were coming to the south, and cause destruction upon properties that housed these carpetbaggers, and other property that they viewed as helping free slaves at the time. If the kkk's goal was to keep neighborhoods nice, then the violence and damage of their property in their neighborhood would not happen. And finally the kkk did want blacks to vote, so in conclusion the main issue was with republicans, to have the votes and power in town.
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2021-01-08 09:35:44
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David NicholsDavid Nichols (PRO)
1.Blacks are NOT the only race from Africa. Dictionaries have been liberalized. 2.Yes, stealing Black votes was also a way to keep neighborhoods nice. 3.Violence and damage to your own neighborhood can be necessary if it keeps unwanted people away. 4.If Whites don't want to live with Blacks, they don't want them to vote. That's common sense.
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2021-01-08 10:02:48
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David NicholsDavid Nichols
1.What I am is irrelevant. 2.Skin color is irrelevant. Whites avoid Blacks because they think they act strange. 3.Whites DISLIKE, not hate, Blacks.
Posted 2021-01-08 10:10:59
David are you a white supremacist or KKK member because it certainly seems like it. Why would you have hatred towards a group of people simply because of their skin pigment. This quite literally makes no sense, it didn't make sense hundreds of years ago and still doesn't.
Posted 2021-01-08 09:53:27
David NicholsDavid Nichols
Obviously, if Blacks aren't wanted in a town, they aren't wanted to govern the town. But the PRIMARY goal of the KKK was to keep out of town people known for walking around with their underwear hanging out.
Posted 2021-01-07 05:22:17
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