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That squatting in abandoned buildings should be legal

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BlackflagBlackflag (PRO)
There are about  610,042 people homeless on the streets at any given night in America. Many more miss the count by taking refuge with family and friends, or getting one of the limited spots available in the cities crowded homeless shelters. Some downtrodden veterans and seniors are unfit to survive unsheltered from the cold,  and a battle for a place to sleep, could very well be a battle for their lives. This isn't melodrama. It is a serious problem that needs serious fixing. Not only am I going to refute the social darwinists and those who wish harm on the homeless, but I will make a case for how squatting could help working class citizens and be beneficial to society by maintaining this practice as a viable living option. 

Squatting as a Civil Rights Issue: Legality in England, Wales, and the United States
Squatting in England and Wales is treated as more than a petty crime, but a serious civil rights issue. I think we have a lot to learn from their examples, and would like to argue the anglo-welsh process for squatting legalization, as it is a very thought out system with few flaws. A squatter may claim non-residential property (residential in some American states), as long as the property is not being used for illegal or criminal activity, and the resident maintains "Adverse possession" if requested, in the form of paying posthumously debts and or taxes left on the building. 

You may be asking, how can "squatting" ever be considered a civil right? Many constitutions throughout the world carry a near identical clause, that governments will serve to protect the "welfare of the people". Liberty, is something that most people acknowledge as a good thing. There are few people who would claim that we need less liberty, but not everyone realizes liberty is a two sided coin.  During the 1920's progressive era, many progressives, sometimes labelled "radicals", made the claim that people deserved the liberties of being free from "poverty".  People weren't mistaken in calling this a radical idea, because at the time, it most certainly was. From a modern standpoint, this idea is much more acceptable, and even widespread.

Even John Locke spoke of three essential liberty's. That of Life, Liberty, and Property. Which begs the question, why would people ever be in opposition to this proposal? Because people are naturally greedy. They know squatters lower their property values, and impede on commerce. But isn't it the government's duty to protect those citizens welfare and liberty? Could it be considered tyrannous to deny a naturalized citizen a home? It was, and still is the belief by many, that governments have a moral responsibility to protect us from our own greed. That the removal of liberty, is the emplacement of our greed? John Locke seemed to think so, and I would hate to disagree. It seems like a policy of persecuting squatters is removing liberty, and encouraging greed. And when has a greedy society ever been a just society?

My position is strong and secure. All citizens have a right to property, even if they do not retain legal ownership over any land deed, they still have the right to occupy an unused and abandoned structure, and work to obtain it through perseverance and "adverse possession"

The Solution: A Social and Civil Experiment in Community Building
Squatters usually live in packs. This is for multitudes of reasons, including mutual defense, scavenging, and the luxury of being able to divide tasks among each other. If there are any people who are more social and hardworking, it would be the homeless, and those in extreme poverty. Squatting communes don't work together out of love and respect for each other, but for the sole purpose of survival. A powerful motivation, is it not? Such motivation makes me question, how can we, the people of the world, harness such power and put it to better use? 

The answer for me is simple. We implement a three step action plan  both protect the liberty of property, and benefit the working class. 
A. Legalize Squatting for large groups of homeless citizens 
B. Sustain the principle of adverse possession, allowing squatters to occupy abandoned residences contingent on constant repayment of taxes on the land.
C. Work with landowners to spring up more social "communes" throughout the country, and support squatter leaders in their strive to repossess the property, through action plans and loans. Giving legality to the groups name upon sustainable repayment of said properties taxes. 

This is not just a proposal to end homelessness, but an ambitious vision to put an end to slums and poor living conditions, turning poor and dirty squatting residences into thriving commercial centers for the homeless. We can only do this by working with the homeless, and helping them become self sufficient in repaying the tax duties. It is found to be much easier when working in large groups, and with countries like the US instituting tax reforms, such as earned income on operating small farms, there is no barrier preventing poverty and homelessness from becoming things of the past. All we need is to give a solid safety net for not only squatters, but the real estate markets.

How does this help the Homeless?
Why it gives them a place to live, and the comfort and liberty of a home. Something many people take for granted in the first world. For some homeless citizens, they aren't concerned about the "right of property" as much as they are the "right of life".  As some wont make it to the morning, dying from disease or infection in the night. But a better question is how this will help the average joes. People who are financially secure and comfortable with their lives. Those people might ask, why? Why are the poor obligated to these things? Why do they get a freebie in life?

Well I'm here to tell you that there is more to gain from promoting squatting, rather than criminalizing it. Squatting can benefit the community in a number of ways. One such is reducing crime. See, abandoned buildings have become subject to unruly things like looting and salvaging. Property owners are in trouble, because they live in constant fear of having their buildings torn apart for raw materials, or their old grocer being turned into a gang hideout. In some cases, business owners have let squatters in, to keep criminals out. Before we talk about lowering property values, would you rather live next to an unemployed pauper or a west coast blood? Most citizens would choose the pauper over the blood, for obvious and apparent reasons. 

Squatting also improves the economic conditions of the homeless, therefore helping your wallet. The homeless work to achieve money in a number of ways. By begging, selling products and salvage, and many other things. Such wealth is shared among squatters to purchase items and food for the group as a whole. Improving living conditions and standards. Many homeless work towards buying products to start and maintain farms, providing a constant source of food and income, many of which ends up on local farmer markets and in the hands of other impoverished citizens.

The resolution is affirmed. 

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2014-09-23 14:47:38
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