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That we should ban all guns to the public

13 points
0 points
Bi0HazardBi0Hazard (PRO)
Guns are an easy killer. People who want to kill will take advantage of this to murder.
More guns in circulation will lead to more homicides.
A gun ban would reduce the number of guns(making it harder since they have to go through black market and illegal places).
Therefore, guns should be banned.
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-09-25 13:18:00
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DatBoiDatBoi (CON)
Banning guns means removing a form of self-defense from people,leaving them vulnerable to murderers.
The black market will flourish after such a ban and, over the course of a few years,gun sale will recover and murder rates will soar due to the lack of defense.
Guns should not be banned.
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-09-26 02:33:32
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Bi0HazardBi0Hazard (PRO)
Widespread gun defense is a myth*, people hardly ever use guns for defense and don't need to. Police are more effective.
The black market is harder due to higher gun costs and high enforcement against guns.
*Source: http://www.politico.com/magazine/story/2015/01/defensive-gun-ownership-myth-114262
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-09-27 13:23:20
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DatBoiDatBoi (CON)
My point was that guns are used in a defensive way in the absence of police enforcements,so your first point is invalid.
Secondly,banning guns would result in a violent reaction from people and even a revolution.Considering that the participants are well-armed,this should fail to bring any peace.
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-09-30 03:25:03
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Bi0HazardBi0Hazard (PRO)
Gun defense is a myth, it requires much training which most lack. So, hardly anybody uses guns for self defense anyways. They would therefore not be more vulnerable to murders.
A violent reaction is not inherent to a gun ban. It requires much support, which would have a peaceful response.

Return To Top | Posted:
2016-10-01 11:12:21
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Bi0HazardBi0Hazard (PRO)
Restate: Since not many civilians use guns to stop crimes anyways, they are not more vulnerable to murderers.
The black market won't flourish because of high prices and regulations.
A gun ban won't lead to a revolution if it has support, that is democracy, which is part of my model.
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-10-06 10:19:52
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Bi0HazardBi0Hazard (PRO)
Also, confiscating guns can stop an armed insurrection by some protest group. After that, the attacks will go down and disappear.
I extend my arguments for this round.
Return To Top | Posted:
2016-10-09 11:36:43
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