A new argument that Christianity is polytheistic
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One of the most common criticisms of Christianity is that it has three separate gods despite claiming to be monotheistic. Christianity however attempts to get round this common argument of the sceptic by arguing Yawheh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are merely parts of the trinity which is one god. I don't buy the weak apologetics as it is clear that Yawheh and Jesus are not the same god as the bible references Jesus admitting there are some things Yawheh knows that he doesn't, clear proof that Christianity is actually a polytheistic cult of Judaism.
But anyway there is another way of demonstrating Christianity is polytheistic.
This is not an exegesis on the Trinity, but rather a discussion about the undeniable scriptural declaration of the existence of the devil, Lucifer, who is considered to have supernatural powers and who rules the Earth, wreaking havoc, and causing people to sin and deny Jesus. Lucifer meets all of the qualification for a god, albeit an evil one, but nevertheless a god by any objective definition. Therefore, Christians are polytheistic. The following was taken from:
Where do bad things come from? I have actually heard these Christians respond to that question with this: “The Earth belongs to Satan, not God”.
HUH?? Satan? The bad guy? He owns the Earth?
God gave us up to the Devil? Temporarily or permanently?
Or did Satan “win” Earth in some cosmic battle?
Consider Satan; the Devil, the Dark Angel, AKA Lucifer.
If you believe in Hell, you believe in Satan. They are inextricable.
And you are practicing polytheism. Yes you are.
You believe in at least TWO GODS. Not just one.
I know, I know, you’re in total denial and insist that I’m wrong.
But consider this. You do not have to worship Satan,
you do not have to believe that he is more powerful
or even AS powerful as God. He can be less powerful than the “main” God.
Just recognize Satan’s existence.
If you simply believe that Hell and the Devil exists, you believe in two Gods.
Yes you do. You believe in a Greater God and a Lesser God.
A God of good, from which all good things come,
and a God of evil (called “the Devil” or “Lucifer”, etc)
from which all bad things come. There is nothing incorrect about this;
if you are a Christian and you believe in the existence of God and Satan,
you are, by definition practicing Polytheism; the belief in multiple gods.
There are two theological problems involving the devil. First, it’s incomprehensible why a loving, all-powerful god would allow a rogue, terrorist god to go free and destroy people’s lives and eternal fate. And, second, the belief in Lucifer makes it difficult to defend the concept that Christianity is monotheistic. This makes Christianity out to be an illogical, polytheistic religion. The invention of the devil was a colossal mistake in the formulation of the religion.

I agree, triune Christianity is clearly polytheistic in nature; even if proponents of it argue that Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and God are one of the same--they are still three separate components, and the Christian bible contradicts itself in that Jesus is portrayed as a man who can feel pain, and it is God who is deciding that he be executed, and that initially Jesus doesn't want this, yet he is also God himself; so it's pretty antithetical.
Christianity however attempts to get round this common argument of the sceptic by arguing Yawheh, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are merely parts of the trinity which is one god. I don't buy the weak apologetics as it is clear that Yawheh and Jesus are not the same god as the bible references Jesus admitting there are some things Yawheh knows that he doesn't, clear proof that Christianity is actually a polytheistic cult of Judaism.
First of all, Christianity never has argued that the Members of the Trinity are "parts" of one God. But that They are distinct Persons in which One God exists. I would suggest understanding Christianity and our doctrines before speaking on these matters.
Secondly, if one has even a basic understanding of our doctrine you would understand that Christ gave up some of His omniscience in the Incarnation (See Philippians 2) And that explains why only the Father would know certain things (the exact day of the second coming).
Where do bad things come from? I have actually heard these Christians respond to that question with this: “The Earth belongs to Satan, not God”.
HUH?? Satan? The bad guy? He owns the Earth?
God gave us up to the Devil? Temporarily or permanently?
Or did Satan “win” Earth in some cosmic battle?
No, God still has complete control over everything, and Satan "owning the Earth" is severely overstating the fact that Satan has been given temporary ***rulership*** of the kingdoms of the earth. Satan doesn't own the actual planet.
I know, I know, you’re in total denial and insist that I’m wrong.
But consider this. You do not have to worship Satan,
you do not have to believe that he is more powerful
or even AS powerful as God. He can be less powerful than the “main” God.
Just recognize Satan’s existence.
Yes, you got me. In fact I'm so angry that I threw my computer out of the window and searched endlessly for an answer to these powerful arguments against my faith. Finally, after almost becoming an atheist, I remembered one simple fact:
GOD as defined in the Bible is not merely a powerful being, if that were the case the angels would be gods and we would have millions of gods. God ***as defined in Scripture*** Has to be
1. Eternal
2. The Creator of all things
Satan or any other angel or cherub or seraph or created being is not.
Therefore only God is God.
There are two theological problems involving the devil. First, it’s incomprehensible why a loving, all-powerful god would allow a rogue, terrorist god to go free and destroy people’s lives and eternal fate. And, second, the belief in Lucifer makes it difficult to defend the concept that Christianity is monotheistic. This makes Christianity out to be an illogical, polytheistic religion. The invention of the devil was a colossal mistake in the formulation of the religion.
No, I can comprehend these things just fine. As far as destroying people's eternal fate, I think you my dear Chloe are doing a good job of that yourself. Secondly, you do realize that belief in Satan goes back to Judaism...right? Perhaps they are polytheists as well.
A man with God is always a majority -John Knox
But that They are distinct Persons in which One God exists.
I should expound on this, by rephrasing it that God exists AS Three Distinct yet United Persons.
A man with God is always a majority -John Knox

The Bible doesn't say that Satan's in charge of Hell. Rather, Hell was created as punishment for Satan and the angels who followed him into rebellion. Satan's goal is to take as many humans as he can down to Hell with him, which was accomplished by inciting Adam and the woman into sin, something which was passed on to all their descendants.
The idea that Satan "rules" the world is because the Earth is tainted by sin, and God refuses to be around sin; hence, God has left the Earth to its own devices, and allowing Satan free rein to basically rule it and add to its corruption, though God has imposed limits on what Satan can do. The fact that Satan "rules" the world does not in any way elevate him to the status of godhood; Satan is not omnipotent, omniscient, or omnipresent, and a mere "powerful being" cannot qualify as a god any more than, say, Hitler was a god at the height of his power during WWII.
I have an old argument that Christianity is NOT polytheistic... It specifically says it's monotheistic. Not only that, but it claims the inerrancy of the Bible... And the Bible specifically denies the existence of other divine Gods.

Consider the following verses from the Bible that imply the existence of other Gods
A: Genesis 1:26 "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:"
Notice that it does not say and I God will make man in my image, and after my likeness.
B: Exodus 20:3 "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
Notice that it does not read I am the only God and worship me.
C: John 10:34 "3 Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?
There you have it out of the mouth of Jesus Christ himself saying gods, as in plural.
This leads to the conclusion that despite "Christians" believing in monotheism. The Bible teaches the idea of Henotheism.
Henotheism: "the worship of a particular god, as by a family or tribe, without disbelieving in the existence of others."
D: Consider the words of Paul in 1 Corinthians chapter 8 verses 4-6
"4 As concerning therefore the eating of those things that are offered in sacrifice unto idols, we know that an idol is nothing in the world, and that there is none other God but one.
5 For though there be that are called gods, whether in heaven or in earth, (as there be gods many, and lords many,)
6 But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him."
Paul here eludes that there may exists other "Gods" however that for "us" (Christians) there is one God. Christians believe in what is called the "true" God. This does imply that there are no other Gods, just that there is a "true" God or in other words the God you should follow.
E: Jeremiah 10:10 "But the Lord is the true God, he is the living God, and an everlasting king"
The Bible teaches that followers of Christ can become Gods. Consider the following Scriptures.
F: Philippians 2:5-6 "Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God."
Paul even talks about becoming a God Through Christ

hilippians 3:14 "I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus."
He teaches that we are Children and heirs of God
H: Romans 8:16-17 "16 The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God:
17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together."
Conclusion of what the Bible teaches
A,H: "Let Us make man in Our image." We are the children of God"
B,D,E: "No other Gods before me" "as there be gods many, and lords many," "the Lord is the true God"
C,F,G,H: "ye are gods" "thought it not robbery to be equal with God" "high calling of God" "Joint heirs with Christ"
If the Bible teaches that we are children of God, can become like God, are warned not to worship other Gods then the Bible does not teach monotheism.