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The unnecessary complexity of the bible

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By Chloe8 | 8 years ago
There is a line of reasoning that suggests that the more intelligent a person is, the simpler and shorter his/her communication will be on any given topic. Assuming Yawheh to be an infinitely intelligent being, and using this argument, we would expect his inspired thesis to humans to be concise, uncontroversial, timeless, and easy to understand, resulting in few if any arguments among humans as to his intentions. Of course this is not the case. The Bible is hopelessly complex and confusing and all too often focused on irrelevant matters, such that the underlying message is muddled and hard to pin down, resulting in unending controversy and occasional violence.

The Bible in English has nearly a million words. Have you ever stopped to marvel at that? Why did Yawheh need so much space?

Let’s explore the idea that not only is this a surprisingly large number of words, but it’s a clue that Christianity is false. Why would a perfect god need a million words? Couldn’t he have gotten his message across at least as clearly (or more clearly) with a tenth as many words? Or even a thousandth as many?

Just a page or two of instructions would be enough to teach you how to be a vegan. That’s a lifestyle with strict rules—why would it be any more difficult for a perfect god to convey its message in the same space?

For comparison, the U. S. Constitution was written by humans and has defined the government for several centuries. It has just 4500 words. The U. N. Declaration of Human Rights has less than 1800 words. The Humanist Manifesto, 800.

The Bible is just a rambling story that goes on and on. It was written by people and looks like it. There’s no hint of any supernatural guidance.

Take the book of Revelation as an example, a psychotic, Dalí-esque horror show. There are 24 elders around the throne of Yawheh, with the four living creatures. There’s a scroll with seven seals and different events with the breaking of each. There’s the seven trumpets and different disasters with the sounding of each. There’s the seven bowls with different disasters with the pouring of each. There are four horsemen and seven spiritual figures including a dragon and the Beast. Each punishment is lovingly detailed, as the novella drones on and on.

Or look at the practice of Christianity today. Why is there a Bible Answer Man—shouldn’t Yawheh’s message be so clear that there would be no questions to answer? Why are there 45,000 denominations of Christianity today, and why were there radically different versions of Christianity such as the Marcionites and Gnostics in the early days? Why did Paul have to create Christianity—shouldn’t Jesus have done that? Jesus wrote nothing.

The Bible’s length, complexity, random focal targets, and contradictions, along with its highly questionable moral trajectory, does not look like anything a god would write or inspire others to write. It has the distinct signature of a product created by many different people, each with their own style, interests, beliefs, and superstitions.
By admin | 8 years ago
Chloe8: In fairness, to some people they think the Bible's message is very clear. They just happen to disagree with everyone else on what exactly that message is.
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By O.S.A | 8 years ago
There is a line of reasoning that suggests that the more intelligent a person is, the simpler and shorter his/her communication will be on any given top

Can we apply this line of reasoning to the length of your post?
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