I seriously doubt the GT works. It goes something along the lines of
"all logical system of any complexity are, by definition, incomplete",
, and I do not think it is true. In fact I will make up a complete logical system right on the spot.
Let us suppose a computer is programmed by a logical system to "guess" what number you were "thinking of". The computer pretends to "think" and already have the answer under some "magical card", then reveals a random number with over 100 digits (which you could not have possibly typed up within that amount of time, and copying is just....impossible). So in other words I basically make it impossible for the computer to guess correctly on the first try. Then, after you laugh at the insane computer and then it asks what your real number is, and as you victoriously type it in.....the card zooms in to reveal the "master plan" all along because the massive number contains your number by random chance. Now, if your number has a decimal, then the computer just adds it in secretly while zooming about. This applies to the negative sign as well. Even if you put in "pi" or "e", the computer can still do a 180-degree turn while typing in what you just typed in bold font to trick the audience. And as for imaginary numbers, the computer just zooms way in front of the massive number and adds an "i" in addition to whatever number you just typed up, and thus it has trolled you.
And just as a final precaution, if you don't type in a number, but a word instead, the computer will turn up with the screen "you didn't guess a number after all! Naughty naughty!"
Therefore Godel's theorem falls short to defeat my logic system:
with enough preparation and coverage for all possible topics, my computer program will never fail to guess your number.
My computer has enough preparation and coverage, going from numbers to not numbers, typing up such random patterns that it will in fact "guess" your number, and even add in a few numbers because you weren't observant in that area of the gigantic number.
And in conclusion my logic system is complete.
Master of awesomeness
Your computer program is stupid.
Someone tell me if I'm wrong.
but it works and shows counter proof against Godel Theorem.
Master of awesomeness
admin |
Sep 11 2014 1:35 PM 9spaceking:
Here's why it's incomplete: I could write a computer program that can guess a number every time that your program will be unable to guess, BEFORE it even generates its number.
All my program has to do is write more digits than yours.
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Then your program is complete and refuted the Godel Theorem.
Master of awesomeness
This is not a "logical" system by any sense of the word. Certainly not one under the scope of Godel's theorem.