Should White People Become Christians?
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Right now all the blacks, Jews, Hispanics and others stick together. Whites however are generally good people and treat everyone as equals. Would it be better if whites acknowledged that other races band together and treat their own people better, and do the same thing, by using the banner of Christianity? Or should white people use a different religion? Or should white people continue to treat everyone equally and die off like the planet wants us to do?
The Redneck:
Oh wow, this is wildly ignorant.
You should definitely get out more. It's a brave new world these days. ..
I know, I read a Brave New World. Very scary stuff. Do you disagree non whites stick together more?
Jews control the media because they stick together. Look at blacks, they got that riot thing where they attack cops get killed and every black person basically loots white people on their behalf. Look at Mexicans, they always stick together and hire their own.
White people are the only ones that seem to treat people according to the content of their character, and that is why we're the most persecuted race in America right now.
Thumbs up from:
I hope I'm not offending you in any way. You actually seem pretty smart for a black person.
I also dated a black girl once, so I'm not a racist or anything.
The Redneck:
It's cool, I haven't seen anything terribly racist here and ignorance, while sad, is not offensive... At least, not to me.
I guess it's just really hard to answer your original post when almost every assertion and inference you've made is false.
Basically, I think it's safe to say, you and your cracker mates have nothing to fear. All of this is in your head.
Thumbs up from:
I hope I'm not offending you in any way. You actually seem pretty smart for a black person.
I also dated a black girl once, so I'm not a racist or anything.
Would you like to debate whether Jews or Blacks tend to stick together better than whites?
Blacks will go out of their way to patronize black owned businesses and what not, while whites will typically just go to the closest store to obtain groceries or whatever.
It's also extremely common to see all black churches with absolutely no white people in them, but it would be tough to find an all white church with absolutely no non whites in them.
Also blacks don't consider merit in hiring and promotion decisions. We had an even number of blacks and whites being hired where I work and promoted, but then they hired a black higher up about 6 months ago and they're hiring blacks exclusively and promotions are exclusively going to blacks.
This isn't really something you see in the white community. We care more about people's work ethic than work ethnic.
Like I said, I'm not racist. And though I'd never let my daughter date a black person (due to their STD rates, not because they're inferior), I've dated a black chick in the past.
@The Redneck You are a bit rusty, but good try
Yeah, I'm bored of this now too.
I was holding back my skepticism until that last line in his post. If he is legitimate, then that would be pretty cool. If your site has developed a white nationalist niche, then you know you've made it.
The Redneck:
I hope I'm not offending you in any way. You actually seem pretty smart for a black person.
I am almost 100% certain that nzlockie is not black either. Kudos to him for playing along though.
he can join the group I formed on here, in that case.
The Redneck:
I don't think he would be interested
The Redneck:
That has nothing to do with BNW. Not even BNW Revisited has anything to do with that.
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The Redneck:
But I am a muslim I do not want to be christian.
I hope it's not Auldious Huxley's Brave New World. I shudder at the thought.
What is immoral for a individual to do is immoral for a government to do."- Rand Paul
"What fun is there in making sense?"- Discord
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