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NameVictoria Miller GenderFemale Female
DOB 1995-06-09 OccupationDebate Coach and Judge
Country United States City(hidden)
High SchoolunspecifiedUniversityGrayson College
TeamsVictoria Eve's DebatersCoach(no coach)
NameVictoria Miller GenderFemale Female
DOB 1995-06-09 OccupationDebate Coach and Judge
Country United States City(hidden)
High SchoolunspecifiedUniversityGrayson College
TeamsVictoria Eve's DebatersCoach(no coach)
Debate Ranking#3438
Elo Score1500
Win Ratio0%
Judgment Ranking#341
Average Judge Score0%
Forum Posts0
Joined: Nov 2013
Last Active:
2016-02-19 18:45:02
9 years ago


My name is Victoria Eve, I am eighteen years old and I am married to debate. I competed in tournaments all my years of high school in public forum debate, enjoying every moment of it. High school doesn't last forever, so now I coach and judge competitive speech and debate. I currently go to Grayson College and soon I will be transferring to UTD to further my studies in prelaw and criminal justice. I love the debate community so send me an add request!

***I coach under my own name privately. If anyone says they are part of my company, with the exclusion of Collin Shinault, it is untrue. I offer coaching sessions via skype or in person, depending on distance between the student and I. I will never request to coach you without offering to use my camera while doing so.***

Coach to:

Nerd Politico