Recent forum posts by guitarkirby
The last 3 months have been sorta quiet2020-01-12 15:17:215 years ago
I've been gone for some time, but I agree - I'd like to see a boost in membership.
I wonder if a mobile app version of the site would help add new users as well?
Scored v. Unscored2019-01-31 02:57:566 years ago
Yeah, that's what I'm getting at. I think that the best judgements and comments are the ones that almost resemble a coaching form. But I also think the focus should be on improving arguments for soundness...
Scored v. Unscored2019-01-30 17:16:166 years ago
I'm a huge fan of this site, despite my lack of presence for the last few months. I've been curious on people's thoughts; I know that the debates on this site are generally designed to mimic formal, scored...
A fetus is a human2018-04-03 16:40:447 years ago
Wait, "capable of reproduction?" Only if you mean that on a purely structural level. Furthermore, bacteria show all signs of life you present here. Alive does not also mean sentient, which is...
One-World Government2018-04-03 16:35:497 years ago
Getting back to the original topic, I don't think that having the entire world under a single governing body would even DO much. Everywhere in the world, government is broken up more and more locally....
If God existed, would you pursue a relationship 2018-04-03 08:41:087 years ago
It seems to me that rather than addressing the title of your own post, you've chosen to proselytize what you believe and tell us what will happen after we die according to your belief. You've gone on to...
Is there an afterlife?2018-04-03 08:35:417 years ago
From a philosophical standpoint, it's impossible to say that there is an afterlife with any degree of certainty, otherwise we wouldn't need faith to believe in one. Science has nothing to say about any...
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