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Random Strangerfire_wingsThat the moon landings were faked
fire_wingsultimate.debaterAssuming that the Earth is overpopulated, Mars should be colonized by 2200
fire_wingsbrandon.the.debaterThat preparations against zombie attacks should be the responsibility of the military
fire_wingsbrandon.the.debaterThat pets do more good than harm
Bob13fire_wingsThat we should arm teachers
fire_wingsAm93That the US government should raise the retirement age for social security
ABHISHEK YADAVfire_wingsThat we should allow prisoners to volunteer for drug trials in exchange for lighter sentences
fire_wingsFamousdebaterThat the government should not place any restrictions on free speech
fire_wingsKelniusAssuming that the Earth is overpopulated, Mars should be colonized until 2200
fire_wingsCrowThat where English is not the national language, we should prefer debating in English to another language
Bumiamfire_wingsFeminists are a disgrace to humankind
fire_wingsraginee singhalThat teachers should choose not to set homework
fire_wingsSaif AhmedAssuming that the Earth is overpopulated, Mars should be colonized until 2200
KohaiImran HaqueThat schools should help students find an after-school job
KohaiImran HaqueThat we should ban political opinion polls
KohaiCrowThat democracies should extend voting rights to migrant workers
fire_wingsadminThat children should not be allowed out alone at nightn
fire_wingscooldudebroThat the death penalty should be abolished globally
fire_wingsLucasTheLlamaAssuming that the Earth is overpopulated, Mars should be colonized until 2200
MaddyBear164fire_wingsAnimal testing should be banned
fire_wingslannan13That human cloning is immoral
Anthony Taifire_wingsThat there should be a quota on television for locally produced shows