Here from DDO but I am hoping to see new members.
I'm here from DDO, and I'm looking forward to meeting a bunch of other people serious about the debating.
DDOian reporting!
We'll prob mostly see DDO members here seeing that Larz is native to that site.
Also DDOian.
So this is how it works!
#Trump2014 12-0 The Dream
I am the carbon-based God you moan about.

I believe Larz, er Admin, has stated that he has only spoke with members on DDO (debate.org for those not from there), however he did say that he was looking at other sites as well. So we may well eventually see members from other sites.
Myself, I call DDO home.
Just throwing this out there: we all have the same ELO as Roy here... Score.
Nerd Politico:
I wonder how many people have offered to coach Roy?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
DDO, as with most of the people here
I'm going to try beating the admin in friend count.
I feel really odd that I would do such a thing.
So this is how it works!
#Trump2014 12-0 The Dream
Good luck. Bring it!
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!

Hey kids, just thought I'd say hi. I was bored the other day and stumbled onto the other debate site. Never knew such a thing existed but spent a pleasant few hours reading through the various topics. Being from NZ myself I was particularly drawn to a couple of attempts at "NZ should get rid of its defence force" - a topic I, like most Kiwis, find pretty amusing too.
I was disappointed to see that nobody had finished the debate but followed Lars' link back to this site.
Thought this whole thing sounded interesting so I joined up.
Look forward to seeing what this whole thing is like!

I'm ded.
He noticed, I can't counter that.
So this is how it works!
#Trump2014 12-0 The Dream
I actually added friend counts to profiles specifically for this.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
Well, I am still in it.
So this is how it works!
#Trump2014 12-0 The Dream
Hail, like where do we live?
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.
I live near Seattle.
Please excuse me as I'm not super creative when it comes to forum signatures.