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By SebUK | 10 years ago
Does Jifpop09 still use this website? if not what happened to him?
Meet SebUK - Libertarian Conservative
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
SebUK: I don't think a jifpop has ever used this site. Well, you know, besides the banned multi account of Csareo
By SebUK | 10 years ago
Blackflag: He surely did , he mentioned it on more then one occasion in fact '' checked back on to this site for the first time in three months, to find it is polluted to the core with troll users, troll polls, troll debates, so much f***ing troll. This site has really become a joke, and I don't know why any intellectual would choose to continue using this site. Is this the standard we put forward for people?

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. This is literally sickening filth that needs to be shot from the internet. All the while, instead of enacting change, the moderation continues to let the troll "culture" exist. Well, you know where I'll be.

I hope you're happy with this site, because I've lost all faith (and my account failed to deactivate the first time)
http://www.edeb8.com ...
At least there the Administration is responsive and eager to listen. And there isn't a troll debate in sight.
''-Chosenwolff (His most recent known Debate.org account)
Meet SebUK - Libertarian Conservative
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
SebUK: http://www.edeb8.com/profile/Jifpop09
By SebUK | 10 years ago
Blackflag: He surely did , he mentioned it on more then one occasion in fact '' checked back on to this site for the first time in three months, to find it is polluted to the core with troll users, troll polls, troll debates, so much f***ing troll. This site has really become a joke, and I don't know why any intellectual would choose to continue using this site. Is this the standard we put forward for people?

To say I'm disappointed is an understatement. This is literally sickening filth that needs to be shot from the internet. All the while, instead of enacting change, the moderation continues to let the troll "culture" exist. Well, you know where I'll be.

I hope you're happy with this site, because I've lost all faith (and my account failed to deactivate the first time)
http://www.edeb8.com ...
At least there the Administration is responsive and eager to listen. And there isn't a troll debate in sight.
''-Chosenwolff (His most recent known Debate.org account)
Meet SebUK - Libertarian Conservative
By nzlockie | 10 years ago
SebUK: Hey Seb, jifpop is the guy you were just talking to. His current name is Plutarch but don't get used to it, it'll change in a couple weeks.
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
nzlockie: The jig is up, lol
By nzlockie | 10 years ago
Blackflag: Haha sorry bro.

Sometimes I think edeb8 is like the French foreign Legion. .. A refuge for people trying to reinvent themselves.
By SebUK | 10 years ago
Blackflag: You trolled me hard man.
Meet SebUK - Libertarian Conservative