CNN (Cannibal News Network)
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Krazy |
Mar 11 2017 6:39 AM
This guy on CNN did a show about Hinduism and he got in a group of Hindus on the show and joined them in cannibalism and worshipping Satan.
That's CNN for you. It takes a real sick person to eat human flesh worship demons.
Krazy |
Mar 11 2017 6:40 AM Krazy:
*to eat human flesh and*
This guy on CNN did a show about Hinduism and he got in a group of Hindus on the show and joined them in cannibalism and worshipping Satan.
Is this a metaphor or did this literally happen?
Krazy |
Mar 11 2017 7:04 AM Bi0Hazard:
No, look it up. It's hard to believe isn't it? Google "CNN host eats human flesh".
I found it. I tried looking it up right before, but didn't find it. I must have typed the wrong thing in my search engine.
I don't see anything about "worshiping Satan". They were a group of Aghori Hindus rather than Satanists.
It supposedly tasted like "charcoal".
Krazy |
Mar 15 2017 10:22 AM Bi0Hazard:
They are worshipping Satan. They put dead people's ashes on their faces, eat human flesh, and drink their piss. It's demonic. And it's no coincidence that Hindus worship serpents. Their god is called "the cosmic serpent" by Hindus themselves.
It supposedly tasted like "charcoal".
I wish he would eat charcoal.
They put dead people's ashes on their faces, eat human flesh, and drink their piss. It's demonic. And it's no coincidence that Hindus worship serpents. Their god is called "the cosmic serpent" by Hindus themselves.
But this isn't worshiping the specific being "Satan", the Hindus don't even have Satan in their religion.
The only thing CNN is trying to do is make money. Like any news outlet, the first question it asks before publishing an article is how much $$ it will produce. If publishing videos and articles about Hindus and cannibalism (technically nothing wrong with it in my so long as the human is dead) is the path towards the big bucks then they will go for it. As for Satan and all this god nonsense, well, nobody really cares. Everybody knows there is no evidence of Gods existence and thus God cannot be real. The modern world is run by money, not by a book.
Krazy |
Mar 16 2017 5:05 PM Bi0Hazard:
Are you sure about that? Hinduism teaches that you are god. That we are all gods. A clearly demonic idea. That concept that we are god comes straight out of the mind of Satan. In the garden of Eden, the serpent (which the Bible says is Satan) tempts Eve that she can be god in Genesis 3:5:
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
And Hindus say that they worship a serpent. That's Satan.
The Bible also talked about what Satan said in the beginning in the book of Isaiah:
How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.
Isaiah 14:12-14 KJV
Also, if you look up pictures of Hindu gods, do you think it's a coincidence that they have snakes and pitchforks and every kind of symbol in the Bible that represents Satan? Even though they don't call him by that name, they do worship him.
Quoting the bible isn't going to work here since Hindus don't base their beliefs on the bible.
The vedic school of Hinduism, the snake expresses the flow of energy. Hindus may worship the snake because it is a symbol of energy.
Also, if you look up pictures of Hindu gods, do you think it's a coincidence that they have snakes and pitchforks and every kind of symbol in the Bible that represents Satan?
Of course it is, Hinduism and Judaism existed and developed in different places. Also, Hinduism is considered the oldest religion that exists today, so it is not like Hinduism decided to copy Judaism as a previous religion.
Krazy |
Mar 17 2017 12:32 PM Bi0Hazard:
Quoting the bible isn't going to work here since Hindus don't base their beliefs on the bible
I'm quoting the Bible because it's true. Whether or not they believe in it is totally irrelevant.
Christianity is the oldest religion. Adam and Eve were Christians.
Whether or not they believe in it is totally irrelevant.
The bible has no effect on what they believe, they were influenced by what religion they were born with (by society and people), whether the bible has truth or not is not going to tell us what these Hindus believe about snakes.
Christianity is the oldest religion.
No its not. Christianity began in the mid-1st century, that is basic history.
Krazy |
Mar 27 2017 3:08 PM Bi0Hazard:
whether the bible has truth or not is not going to tell us what these Hindus believe about snakes.
They say their god is a snake. What does that tell you?
Christianity began in the mid-1st century, that is basic history
That's when Jesus came. But people believed in Him long before that, way back to the beginning of time. Back to Adam and Eve.
And don't tell anybody what basic history is if you believe the earth is billions of years old. That's fairy tale.
admin |
Mar 31 2017 9:38 PM Krazy:
I think one of the big differences between fairy tales and conventional facts is that you can verify whether facts are true. Harry Potter? Nobody can prove if he exists. Probably a fairy tale. Cinderella? Can't prove it, must be a fairy tale.
Age of the earth being over a billion years? I happen to live a few kilometers from the former lab of the guy who worked out you could accurately date rocks using radiometric data. No sooner had he worked that out, than a geology student in England used that technique to work out he had a rock in his collection over a billion years old. Since then we've found zircon crystals over 4 billion years old. At one point, between the 20s and the 50s, people dated rocks so old that the rocks were older than the then-accepted age of the universe, causing much argument between physicists and geologists (turns out the physicists were wrong). You can also check this yourself. That's conventionally what we call a fact, because you can demonstrate it consistently. You can't do that with a fairy tale.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
They say their god is a snake. What does that tell you?
Nothing to do with a creation story of another religion.
And don't tell anybody what basic history is if you believe the earth is billions of years old. That's fairy tale.
The earth is approx. 4.543 billion years old by verified dating methods. If it was a fairy tale, it wouldn't be any more verifiable than any old fictional story book, but it is, by science.
Krazy |
Apr 2 2017 1:42 PM admin:
Rock dating is not science. You can't tell what the age of a rock is; you weren't there when it was made.
Krazy |
Apr 2 2017 1:51 PM Bi0Hazard:
The earth is approx. 4.543 billion years old by verified dating methods.
That's nice. Did you do those dating methods yourself?
admin |
Apr 2 2017 5:08 PM Krazy:
What is your criteria for what you call "science"?
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
Let's revive the forums!
No, I am not a geology scientist, that would be a pretty cool thing to try out though.
Krazy |
Apr 3 2017 4:04 PM admin:
If you seriously believe that rock dating is science, watch this video. He can explain it way better than I can. Basically, it's not reliable because they make a lot of assumptions (that can't be proven) to make it whatever age they want it to be.