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Sovereignty Support

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By Blackflag | 10 years ago
A lot of people declare support for certain sovereignty movements and shun others. I wish to know, which out of these popular sovereignty movements do you support, or do not support. Feel free to start a discussion on any of my own responses.


1. Anjouan (Comoros)
2. Katanga (Congo)
3. Copts (Egypt)
4. Ogaden (or reunification with Somalia)
5. Reunion (France)
6. Azawad (Mali)
7. Western Sahara (Morocco + Polisario Front)
8. Biafra (Nigeria)
9. Somalilaland (Somalia)
10. Zanzibar


11. Nagorno-Karabahk (Armenia/Azerbaijan)
12. Kachin (Myanmar)
13. Wa State (Myanmar)
14. Northern Cyprus (Cyprus/De-Facto)
15. Abkhazia (Georgia)
16. South Ossetia (Georgia)
17. Kalimantan (Indonesia)
18. Patani (Thailand)
19. West Papau
20. Kurdistan
21. Islamic State (Levant)
22. Palestine (Israel)
23. Balochistan (Pakistan)
24. Tuva (Russia)
25. Badahkstan (Tajikistan)
26. South Yemen


27. Flanders (Belgium)
28. Wallonia (Belgium)
29. Srpska (Bosnia and Herzegovina)
30. Faroe Islands (Denmark)
31. Wales (UK)
32. Scotland (UK)
33. Aland (Finland)
34. Britanny (France)
35. Transnistria (Moldova)
36. Chechnya (Russia)
37. Dagestan (Russia)
38. Kosovo (De-Facto/CBSerbia)
39. Catalonia (Spain)
40. Novorossiya (Ukraine)

North America

41. Greenland (Denmark)
42. Chiapas (Mexico)
43. Puerto Rico (United States)
44. Anguilla (UK)
45. Bermuda (UK)


46. Easter Island (Chile)
47. French Polynesia (France)
48. New Caledonia (France)
49. Republic of New Zealand (New Zealand)

South America

50. French Guiana (France)
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
1. Anjouan is a special case. The sovereignty movement became stronger after Bacar declared the island independent from the Commoros, obviously do to him losing a power struggle. I would not mind Anjouan sovereignty, although I can imagine the fallout that would take place in the African Union.

2. I see no reason for independence.

3. The Coptic people are unique, ethnically and religiously. The only thing preventing the idea of a sovereign state, is how its people are not grouped in one specific area. A religious-national status like the Vatican seems like a pleasurable solution.

4. Ogaden should be reunited with Somalia as soon as possible. Possible concerns are the instability of Somalia, and the risk of Ogaden becoming a rebel haven. Ethiopia is a multi-ethnic and religious state, therefore I would accept an Ethiopian Ogaden if that is more desirable than the alternative.

5. Sure, if they want it.

6. Yes. I know countries that rely on Azawad's resources, such as Algeria and Mali, would be hurt by independence, I think it is a necessary loss. Azawad is a unique region (with a unique culture), and it was a mistake for the UN to tear up the community based on national lines.

7. Absolutely. I find the Moroccan claims to be little more than colonialism. At this point they are hardly denying that.

8. No.

9. Yes, Somaliland is a more stable region than the rest of mainland Somalia. Many people look at the excessive military budget, and hints of Islamic radicalism, and see it as a mistake waiting to happen. I personally feel Somaliland is the best long term solution to solving a lot of Somalia's problems.

10. I think it would be cool, and I am sure the movement has earned some traction. I am not sure to be honest.

11. As much as it PAINS me to say this, I've decided Nagorno-Karabahk is best left reunified with Armenia

12. I think Kachin is trying to form a bi-national state. I think that would be alright. Burma is oppressive and ran by snakes and sharks. I would have no qualms with Kachin independence. It would require both China and Myanmar giving up territory they are more than capable of holding. Somehow I doubt Kachin will be independent anytime soon.

13. Same as 12. Increased autonomy is certainly a solution

14. The international community respected North Cyprus for its vote on the reunification of Cyprus as a two state solution. The north voted in favor while the south did not. Many world leaders declared support for North Cyprus in attaining international recognition. I do not think North Cyprus should suffer, when it was willing to give up concessions. The South is being greedy in the fact that it wants an unconditional victory. That is something I do not respect.
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
15. Abkhazia should not be barred from independence due to the historical borders of the ancient Georgian Monarchy. They deserve independence, as much as it pains me to say. The international community must also prevent Abkhazia from becoming a proxy state, foremost by recognizing it.

16. South Ossetia exists for the sole purpose of being a Russian proxy state. If it were to unify with an independent Ossetia, that would be a different story.

17. No

18. Patani should become apart of Malaysia. They are a Malay people who do not want to be apart of Thailand. That IS all it takes for them to deserve independence.

19. Maybe. It would be cool to have one Papau, although the East and West are separated by an uncrossable mountain range. I do not mind if it is apart of Indonesia.

20. Yes. There are two good solutions. Full independence, or a bi-national state. A fully independent Kurdistan would consist of Iranian, Syrian, Turkish, and Iraqi Kurdistan. Maybe even the Iranian Caspian Sea enclave. An independent Kurdistan is not impossible. Popularity for an independent Kurdistan has increased with Turkish officials. Persha groups already control a huge block of territory in Iraq, Turkey, and Syria. Iran would be the tough one to crack.

21. No, for obvious reasons

22. Yes, without a doubt. A lot of Americans claim Palestine is a fundamental part of Israel. Palestinians do not seem to think so, and all that matters is what the Palestinian people want.

23. No.

24. Tannu Tuva has a unique culture, separate from Mongolia and Russia. Tuva does have a lot of connections with the Russian empire though. Perhaps a referendum could be in order.

25. NO!!!

26. The North and the South are unbelievably different. I'm not even sure the North Exists anymore. It was completely occupied by the Houthis coup. The South Yemen movement is more likely to take order, although it would lead the North to its own ruin.
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
27. Maybe
28. Ideally, but Belgium needs some serious constitutional reform.
29. No.
30. Yes. They might as well be independent. Especially if they can diversify their economy.
31. Yes. An independent Wales has captured about 30% of the Welsh population. It is so unique. I cannot stand Wales being a British lapdog.
32. It would be for the best if they were independent.
33. Maybe. Certainly increased autonomy.
34. No, but it should be autonomous.
35. Moldova is already an artificial state forged out of Romania (despite some cultural independence). Transinistria is going to far. Especially since its sole purpose is being a Communist satelite of Russia.
36. Yes, but separate from Dagestan.
37. Like Chechnya, I wonder if Dagestan would be a failed state. It would move closer to the west, which might be either a good thing or a bad thing.
38. Kosovan people are so nice. I hate how Serbia acts like they control the Balkans.
39. Yes, but I could live if Spain was federalized.
40. It depends on whether New Russia would be a proxy state, or a legitimate entity serving the people of the Donbass region.

By Blackflag | 10 years ago
41. I think Greenland would fare better off as a colony. Greenland relies heavily on aid from Denmark. The US was more than willing to flood Greenland with cash provided it joined the United States at one point in history. An independent Greenland would only have my support if they eliminate their debt, eradicate the trade deficit, and diversify the economy to have more than two industries.

42. Chiapas is probably the third most experimental entity to ever form. The Zapatista government appears to base its ideals and structure heavily on federalized anarcho-communist. It is actually really interesting to research. The propaganda focuses heavily on revolution and extreme social liberation. Either progressive, or a serious ticking time bomb.

43. No, Puerto Rico should become the 51st state with the Virgin Islands.

44. It was at one point

45. Bermuda would of been the 14th colony if not for the huge British naval presence. The most it can hope for now is independence. Sorry Bermuda, you would of made a steadfast ally to the United States.

46. Perhaps. It would involve a major revival of Easter Islands culture and history.

47. I think it is progressing towards independence. Free association seems like a good idea.

48. New Caledonians highly support France. It is positive to have French presence in Asia/Oceania as well.

49. Ha, I put this one up for laughs. Yes, New Zealand should send that Queen back to where she came from.

50. Yes and no.
By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: This is an extremely long list and I may bother to read it later. Props for being comprehensive.
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By Blackflag | 10 years ago
admin: @admin - feel free to comment on the ones you have an opinion on
By nzlockie | 10 years ago
I'm not sure how you've arrived at this list? From my understanding, many of these places don't really have a strong separatist movement?

Anyway, I generally favour the majority local decision when it comes to most of these although that gets tough when the host country floods the region with other ethnic groups, ala China with the Xinjiang province.

I feel pretty strongly that Abkhazia should be given independence. I also feel that the Ughar people of Xinjiang should get independence, although they are likely to be worse off for a long time if that happens.

While I generally support a region's right to gain independence if they want it, I think that for the majority of the groups on your list, they'd be better off trying to work WITH their sovereign nations, rather than against them.
By nzlockie | 10 years ago
Oh also, I feel pretty strongly that the Falklands should remain British.
By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: *sigh* tagging and replying to the same person in a post.

I should write code to stop people doing this.
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By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: Basically I support the right to self-determination, provided that you don't determine to screw stuff up for anybody else. Second to that, are any practical concerns regarding the governance of foreign territories (where applicable). In places where the system is not broke, it needs no fixing. Special note that a good number of these places have a great deal of sovereignty already (particularly commonwealth nations - including New Zealand is like saying Canada is not sovereign).

I would thus support a popular referendum on achieving sovereignty in the following places:
Western Sahara
South Ossetia
French Polynesia
New Caledonia
French Guiana

And a number of others are "maybes" for me.
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By Blackflag | 10 years ago
admin: In places where the system is not broke, it needs no fixing.
I disagree. There is always room for improvement.
By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: Fix real issues before you fix non-issues at least.
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By Blackflag | 10 years ago
admin: You act like you cannot do both. I disagree with this as well. The sovereignty of peoples and groups is extremely important. I think the world would be better off with 300 countries each dedicated towards serving a select group of people, over the system we have now. Lots of people want self determination. They deserve self determination. The world would be better if they had self determination.

The only times I ever reject ethnic, religious, or civil separatism, is when the pursuit for independence is more of a playing ground for radical and new ideologies.
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
I think the world would be better off with 300 countries each dedicated towards serving a select group of people
In other words, governments trying to maintain establishment over many contradictory ideologies and differing cultures is volatile to everyone as a whole.
By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: I, on the other hand, believe we have a lot to learn from each other, can't do away with co-existence, find that culture is pretty much an illusion anyway, and see that multiculturalism has in fact done great things for the world. There's nothing volatile about a world of love and tolerance, as compared with many countries all at each other's throats over resources and cultural differences.

Like I said, self-determination is great until you determine that you want to impose on somebody else.
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By nzlockie | 10 years ago
Yeah I think you have to be careful with making large moves when it comes to supporting independence. 300 is only a fraction of the number of groups that could potentially advocate for an independent state.

I support evaluating claims on an individual basis. Some groups, (Like Abkhazia) are pretty easy and make obvious sense. Others, like the Kanaks in New Caledonia are not so straight forward.
I think that generally the BEST solution is if the separatist group can learn to work together with the host group. This involves nasty words like, "compromise" and "moving forward" and "Setting aside your ego" - and often this is just not achievable.

When all is said and done though, while I will usually advocate for it, I don't think that land ownership is an automatic right based on ethnic identity.
Dassault Papillon
By Dassault Papillon | 10 years ago
Mutli-Culturalism is overrated.
By sea_shell | 10 years ago
Multiculturalism is my favorite kind of culturalism
I'm not sure if I trust anyone who doesn't have their face as their profile.
By admin | 10 years ago
Dassault Papillon: Why?
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