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About how many active members are there?

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By Vaarka | 7 years ago
Title asks the question. I'm asking to see if I could try to get a mafia game going for fun.
*Blows bubble pipe*
By Vaarka | 7 years ago
Vaarka: Sorry if this is the wrong subforum for this kind of question btw, larz
*Blows bubble pipe*
By Mharman | 7 years ago
Vaarka: We have around 5 active users (including you) on a daily basis

admin (larztheloser)
LunaticFringe (TUF)
Dassault Papiilion (swagnarok)
With Liberty and Justice for all!
By admin | 7 years ago
Mharman: It varies, of course.
I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
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