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When I posted in the "Free reminder notice" thread, it said "in an hour ago" and the post popped up in the RCC thread.
The post didn't actually show up in the RCC thread, but the "last post" said it did
admin |
Nov 5 2014 12:54 PM Blackflag:
How is that debate not finished?
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At the time it wasn't.
admin |
Nov 5 2014 2:54 PM Blackflag:
I can't fix errors I can't see sorry.
Could possibly be because you were viewing the page while I was uploading the new update?
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admin |
Nov 6 2014 10:16 AM
Today I saw the error and fixed it
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Although you can join multiple teams, debates can only be started as the first team joined.
admin |
Nov 8 2014 1:52 PM Blackflag:
This is a missing feature at best, not a bug.
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Lol, wrong thread. Okay, but is this something that can get implemented?
If I write in my gay marriage debate, all the words always return to the extreme left margin, despite the fact that the cursor is after the last word. It has made it impossible to finish.
admin |
Nov 9 2014 1:05 PM Blackflag:
I really don't follow.Can you please be more detailed?
When do they return this way? As soon as you type them?
Does it only affect whole words or characters?
Does it only happen if the caret is after the last word?
Do the words appear on top of one another on the left margin? Next to each other? What's the sequence?
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To many questions, sheesh.
1) Yes
2) Everytime I type
3) Not sure if I know what you mean
4) No
Look, it isn't that complicated. I type, and instead of the characters working their way left to right, they return to the beginning of the line. It is impossible to type.
admin |
Nov 9 2014 2:09 PM Blackflag:
So it's like you're typing right to left?
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Okay, here's the best way to put it.
If I were to type: Chocalate chips are good...
and then the bug started, anything character typed after, let's say C, will go back to the beginning of the line.
CChocalate Chips are good
No, because the words still travel from left to right, it's just the characters travel in front of each other.
admin |
Nov 9 2014 2:15 PM Blackflag:
So if you type "Chocoloate chips are good"
The the bug starts and you type "Chocolate chips are good" again, does it read like this:
"doog era spihc etalocohCChocolate chips are good"
or like this:
"CChocolate chips are goodhocolate chips are good"
or like this:
"Chocolate chips are goodChocolate chips are good"
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The second one. The characters typed after the bug go back ahead of each other.
admin |
Nov 9 2014 5:17 PM Blackflag:
OK thanks. Anyone else notice this? Not doing it for me so I'm trying to build up some test cases.
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Not really. I tried highlighting and deleting, which works if I do it backwards, but the bug keeps going. There's two days on the debate.
admin |
Nov 10 2014 9:12 AM Blackflag:
In the mean time you can type it in some other text editor. I need to be able to see a bug to fix it as always. But I'll do my best to find it.
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