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By SebUK | 10 years ago
Fellow believers, let's play a new game by listing all the great things Chickadee did for us.
Meet SebUK - Libertarian Conservative
By ButterCatx | 10 years ago
SebUK: This game is a game of knowledge and truth
"I am not wise, I am a joker" - Floki
"A warrior does not show his heart until the axe reveals it." - Floki
By Voice | 10 years ago
Chickadee delivered us from the binds of slavery under Religos, and led us across the Chasm.
By lannan13 | 10 years ago
SebUK: Who?
What is immoral for a individual to do is immoral for a government to do."- Rand Paul
"What fun is there in making sense?"- Discord
Defeat the Washington Machine, and Unleash the American Dream!