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The Lamb of God

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By SebUK | 10 years ago
Is life itself a proof for the existence of the lamb of God(Mod)> ? Discuss.
Meet SebUK - Libertarian Conservative
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
SebUK: Well existence is caused by creation, but creation does not necessarily correlate with the existence of a God. I find variants of the Ontalogical argument weak for proving God exists.
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
Quick warning Sebuk, references to the Church of NAC could get you banned.
Jifpop is Senpai
By Jifpop is Senpai | 10 years ago
SebUK: Serving Mod is the meaning of LIFE!

therefore, he must be real our we wouldn't be alive to serve him!