LGBT question
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Ahh, so when someone tells someone else to leave the site and they don't want that kind of person here anyway it's fine, but if someone else calls someone out on an immature and short sighted view, they need to keep their thoughts to themselves. Talk about a double standard.
+1 for this part
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If you support Gun rights does that mean you have to support manditory Gun ownership.
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Ahh, so when someone tells someone else to leave the site and they don't want that kind of person here anyway it's fine, but if someone else calls someone out on an immature and short sighted view, they need to keep their thoughts to themselves. Talk about a double standard.
Not really. RXR is an active member whereas the people I have told to leave in the past were not. As much as you might not like it, RXR is entitled to his "immature" and "shortsighted" views. This is a debating site, so this is the number one place to have them as well.
NZlockie is out of line demeaning RXR, double standard or not. I would hope he would tell me when I am out of line.
+1 for this part
- 1 on this post. Demeaning people instead of debating them for holding disagreeable views is not okay anywhere. Completely different scenario in telling someone to go away, which you have done if I do believe.
Your silence as an administrator when people start petty conflicts is shameful.
So it depends on how many posts someone has had as to whether they are allowed to have views or not?
I haven't said that he isn't allowed views, I've said they are immature. That's my view, just like your view of nzlockie being out of line is your view.
Here's a great idea for people who are too precious to have their ideas judged; don't post them on a public forum.
I'm not sure if I trust anyone who doesn't have their face as their profile.
RXR is allowed to have his opinions judged. He shouldn't be called a confused kid trying to be controversial, because that is considered "Demeaning."
The two people who I told to leave were both evident trolls and came on to campaign for an edeb8 ban for a users actions on DDO, which merits a "shove off."
RXR uses the site legitimately to debate and discuss. I am not going to judge or attack the character of a fellow community member, who just happens to be my friend simply for being an active user on a site which I use routinely.
You realize two opposing interedt grouos can have the same belief about an object/belief/service. In this instance marriage. Why can't both believe that it is beautiful, sacred, or special?
Your ideas about a community are clearly clouded since you don't associate but equate them with fairly imho disgusting practices. LGBTQ is not about equality for marriage it is about the right for them to get married. They are a political campaign/interest group with a singular goal branching out into those others would just be fairly stupid.

Mobile typing is so frustrating :/. Sorry about the typos if they are that big a deal.
Because they don't have to. Republicans may support abortion restrictions, but that doesn't mean that they are trying to go around like Yugoslavia and have a mentral police that go around making sure women are pregnant and if they aren't they get fined.
What is immoral for a individual to do is immoral for a government to do."- Rand Paul
"What fun is there in making sense?"- Discord
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