Nope, this is where it becomes clear you are pulling this stuff out of your ass. Scientists recognize 5 races, with a sixth that is generally accepted.
- Caucasoid
- Negroid
- Mongoloid
- Austroloid
- Dravida
- Semetic (Jewish)
^ Six races, what do they share besides skin color? You tell me...
Challenge sent
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So here are my rebuttals to this stupidity summarized.
1. Races are categorized exclusively by outward appearance
2. Humans are assorted genetically, meaning that not everyone of a certain race has the same genetics
3. What?! Race has nothing to do with genetics at all!
4. According to this article, racists advocate that a certain race is genetically superior at something. In this case, 100m track and field. Doesn't that make you a racist?
Sure, I'll accept it when we are done debating here
Note the trend towards black atheletes as racial discrimination ended:
Thomas Burke - non-black
Frank Jarvis - non-black
Archie Hahn - non-black
Reggie Walker - non-black
Ralph Craig - non-black
Charley Paddock - non-black
Harold Abrahams - non-black
Percy Williams - non-black
Eddie Tolan - black
Jesse Owens - black
Harrison Dillard - black
Lindy Remigino - non-black
Bobby Morrow - non-black
Armin Hary - non-black
Bob Hayes - black
Jim Hines - black
Valeriy Borzov - non-black
Hasely Crawford - black
Allan Wells - non-black
Carl Lewis - black
Carl Lewis - black
Linford Christie - black
Donovan Bailey - black
Maurice Greene - black
Justin Gatlin - black
Usain Bolt - black
Usain Bolt - black
non-black: 13
black: 14
Black people have more gold medals than all other races combined in this event.
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I'm done debating here. Go accept the challenge and get off the forums
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I'm the main developer for the site. If you have any problems, ideas, questions or concerns please send me a message.
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Wow, a near 50% split between white and black people. What a convincing argument for the genetic superiority of black people at running 100m's.
Except during the first 6 or so of those competitions, black people were basically barred from competing. All the finals races were white-only, and it wasn't because white people were magically faster back then.
Now accept my debate and get off the forums, Mr "The Forums Are Dominating This Site".
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Fine. I am actually a bit hesitant about accepting and having me end up forfeiting, so give me another two days or so and we'll plan on debating this then.