Greatest I am:
well... If I believed in God...
It is true, society is like an egg. That egg just cracked. And the USA is attempting to make sure we don't notice it by nuking everything.
I'm not sure if I'm nuke proof. All I know is...
Trump is a meanie.
Trump is a product of the U.S.A.
His election shows the low base line morality presently available in the U.S.
Greatest I am:
You may be surprised, but I agree. The average United States citizen is terribly uneducated.
The fact that compared to the world, the education levels in the U.S. are dropping, My comment was more directed to the moral fibre in the U.S.
Just look at how many publicly held their noses while saying they would vote for Trump.
They put their affiliation to the right wing ahead of their moral sense and that bodes ill for their sense of justice and morality.
That means the right cannot be trusted to do the right things, even whern they recognize the right thing.