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Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 7:21 AM Bi0Hazard:
...not a constitutional republic with a free market
The United States was founded on the Bible. It is the most Christian nation possibly in all human history. And it's a constitutional republic.
The United States was founded on the Bible. It is the most Christian nation possibly in all human history. And it's a constitutional republic.
Incorrect, it is not ruled by God.
But, if your saying it doesn't matter what form of government, just as long as it is largely christian(which would make sense), then wouldn't that mean that the bible doesn't advocate any specific form of government?
For a country to be both a constitutional republic and founded on the Bible, the population has to naturally be Christian, and thus act Christian without any laws telling them that they have to be that way. The situation on the ground is far different today.
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 7:55 AM Bi0Hazard:
You said:
As what Stag said, the bible promotes a religious theocracy...
But earlier you said:
I don't think the bible promotes any specific form of government
Which is it?
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 8:00 AM Dassault Papillon:
The situation on the ground is far different today.
The key word there was "today". The United States had its roots in a biblical foundation. But then she strayed away from it. And now a lot of Americans believe in evolution, have no school prayer, murder children through abortion, support homosexuality, etc.
If most Americans don't want to live in a Christian nation, then it's counterproductive to make them live in one.
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 8:11 AM Dassault Papillon:
Who's "making them" live in one?
You are, if you believe that Americans should reject homosexuality because of what the Bible says about it.
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 8:39 AM Dassault Papillon:
Name one person that I forced to stay in the US.
Ah, I see. So if they don't like it they can leave the country.
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 8:40 AM
If they don't like the United State's Christian heritage, then they can leave.
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 8:41 AM Dassault Papillon:
Ah, I see. So if they don't like it they can leave the country.
RXR. |
Jun 30 2016 8:44 AM
There is a reason why most cultures and religions despise homosexuality. It is a immoral concept of deception and self loathing disgust. The homosexuals are spreading their disease filled ''pride parades''. In an attempt to further express dogma filled nonsense into children. Even mother nature hates gays, since homosexuals receive higher chances of contracting hiv and other diseases.
Here's the fact: religion has not been important to Americans for decades. Entire generations have grown up without any strong religious influence in their lives. They've lived how they please, and they can't see any consequences for that. To them, Christian values are foreign.
They would literally revolt if someone took power and demanded that they become devout Christians or face deportation from the country they've lived in their entire lives. And frankly, even if they accepted this system they would be absolutely miserable. There is a reason why I support secession over nationwide theocracy. With secession and large-scale migration you can make sure that the people living in your country either chose to live there or have grown up under the system and thus are used to it.
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 9:36 AM Dassault Papillon:
They would literally revolt if someone took power and demanded that they become devout Christians or face deportation from the country they've lived in their entire lives.
Who said anything about deportation?
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 9:38 AM Dassault Papillon:
And who said that they have to convert to Christianity?
You said if they don't like it they could leave. So would you imprison them?
They would have to follow Christian morals, such as by not entering homosexual relationships. Or did I misunderstand?
Like I said before, people are like mold. When the mold is soft you can shape it however you want. But once it's hardened, it isn't so easy to shape it into something else.
Krazy |
Jun 30 2016 9:43 AM Dassault Papillon:
Here's what I said.
If they don't like the United State's Christian heritage, then they can leave.
If people don't like to live here, then they can move to a different country. I didn't say anything about deportation or imprisonment.