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Dassault Papillon
By Dassault Papillon | 10 years ago
Does Western society have a Pro-Feminist, Misandrist bias?
I say yes.

Why, you may ask? Well, take this case:
They don't know whether or not he actually raped them. But that didn't stop everyone on the college campus from automatically rallying around his accusers and ostracizing him for a crime he may have or may not have committed.
Any woman can just claim that a certain man raped her. Even if the courts do not judge him to be guilty, society will. Seriously. It's that easy. Any man can be accused by any woman, and the man is presumed guilty until proven innocent. Granted, this is very rare, but when it does happen, men have no chance. Worthless people like Tawana Brawley are out there and they're very bold.
Frankly, I would gladly murder my accusers in revenge, but I'm getting off topic here.

Do you agree that society has a Pro-Feminist, Anti-Male bias, based off the fact that any woman can accuse any man of rape, and ruin his reputation forever?
By admin | 10 years ago
Dassault Papillon: The flipside of this is that men can also falsely accuse women of rape. This idea that men are big bad rapists and women are weak and subservient to the whims of men, espoused by the self-victimization of these women, is neither pro-feminist nor anti-male.
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Dassault Papillon
By Dassault Papillon | 10 years ago
admin: When a man accuses a woman of rape, it just sounds ridiculous to most people.
By admin | 10 years ago
Dassault Papillon: In that case, as I said, most people must be anti-feminist and pro male.
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By sea_shell | 10 years ago
Dassault Papillon: I think it's far more common for a rape to never get to conviction than for men to be falsely accused. Does it suck for false accusations to happen? Yes. Does it suck for women, for whatever reason, to be raped and the men not get charged/convicted? Yes.
I'm not sure if I trust anyone who doesn't have their face as their profile.
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
I firmly agree with the OP. You have no idea how many men get falsely convicted of rape. The details of which are usually extremely blurry and not black and white.
I would rather have a man go free if he isn't proven guilty without a doubt, over the rapist (whether it be the man or not) getting convicted.

By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: I hate how gendered this thread is. You can't claim men are being treated unfairly and then also claim men are always the victims of false accusations. It's like saying women are the only victims of legitimate rape.
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By Blackflag | 10 years ago
admin: Gender is a fundamental part of this thread. It is not about women vs men, or men vs women. It is about how juries have a bias towards the female prosecution.

It's like saying women are the only victims of legitimate rape
Ha Ha. That's because it is true.
A man would have to be tied down and facing his so called "rapist."

More importantly, sex can only happen if he has an erection. Otherwise it is just some fat lady smothering him. We are not even getting started on the male rape myth.

By Blackflag | 10 years ago
admin: You're missing the whole point of the OP btw.
INAB is saying that by the moment someone is accused of rape, they are already guilty.

It is probably the most truthful OP INAB has wrote.
By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: An erection does not mean consent. Sex without consent is rape.
Not being tied down does not mean consent. Sex without consent is rape.
Just because your "partner" is not fat does not mean consent. Sex without consent is rape.
Just because you're not facing your "partner" does not mean consent. Sex without consent is rape.
You get the picture. Gender is irrelevant.
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By Blackflag | 10 years ago
As a minor concession, many men are raped by other men. For a female to rape a man. LOL!
By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: Pro's problems: the bias he mentioned is not what he identified because it's anti-feminist, not pro-feminist.

And also, he's demonstrating an even worse bias. Rape, especially male rape, is massively under-reported and IMO a far more serious problem.
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By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: That's not lol. This kind of comment is precisely why it's so under-reported.
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By Blackflag | 10 years ago
An erection does not mean consent. Sex without consent is rape.
Tell me how sex can happen without an erection. A flabby piece of sponge and cartilage?
No, male rape by females is a myth. It is not realistic, and nearly impossible.
By Blackflag | 10 years ago
admin: Male rape can happen, but not in a famle vs male scenario. Where your case falls apart.
Come on admin, you are sounding ridiculous right now. I think your statements support the OP anyways.
By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: No it's not a myth. It can and does happen any time when a women has sex with a man without his consent. As an obvious example, date rape drugs are just as effective on men as women and prevent people from giving consent.

Even IF the man has an erection that does not mean he wants to have sex with a specific woman.
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By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: No, it's not ridiculous, and simply saying that is not a strong argument. Unlike me, who's actually defended his position.

I mean, seriously, do you think that just because a woman enjoys the sex it can't be rape? Everybody likes sex dude. Not everybody wants to have sex with everybody else though, and being violated like that is incredibly traumatizing.

The narrative that men cannot be overpowered by girls is not some feminist drivel, it's anti-male.
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By Blackflag | 10 years ago
admin: And how can you not control an erection? Can you give me some statistics for female on male rape.
By admin | 10 years ago
Blackflag: Well, hate to point it out, but I just gave an example of a time when you can't control an erection - when under the influence of a drug. Then the drug controls it. Some men also have more control than others. Any man who's ever had an erection at an embarrassing time will agree. I used to get them at random moments in class, and I was a per. And the point is that just because you had an erection does not mean you wanted it.

No because male rape is underreported because people like you don't take it seriously. Most men who get raped are ashamed of that fact. I've also heard that in some jurisdictions (not here though) the crime itself is gendered, so when women do it to men it's sometimes called "sexual assault" (which carries a lesser penalty) even if there was no actual "assault" involved.
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By admin | 10 years ago
admin: I also should add, erections and arousal tend to be harder to control when you're under distress. The same goes for women. Hence why the myth that a woman must have wanted it if she orgasms or something is so dangerous.

This is definitely worth reading though some of the sex details are kinda graphic: http://thoughtcatalog.com/lorenzo-jensen-iii/2014/08/19-men-share-stories-of-being-raped-by-a-woman-nsfw/
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