I cannot even believe how one eyed some people are. To claim that more people get falsely accused of rape than people get raped shows how far gone some people's minds are. And how little people know about sex. I have never agreed with you more admin.
I'm not sure if I trust anyone who doesn't have their face as their profile.
I also should add, erections and arousal tend to be harder to control when you're under distress
Are you certain? Usually an erection is brought through stimulation of the mind, which leads to a testosterone increase.
I looked into the "matter" further, and it seems female on male rapes occurs when a female forces penetration, usually by force.
Such as having a buddy aim a gun at the other guys head. I still think female on male rape is silly.
Any man who's ever had an erection at an embarrassing time will agree. I used to get them at random moments in class, and I was a per. And the point is that just because you had an erection does not mean you wanted it.
They go away if you remain still for 20 seconds. It is a result of high blood flow.
You keep claiming male rape is underreported. Do you have any statistics to back this up? I think the number of cases perfectly represents the danger of female on male rape. Especially since most of them are bullshit.
To claim that more people get falsely accused of rape than people get raped shows how far gone some people's minds are
First of all, who claimed this?
I didn't say that. I admitted in the OP that these cases are rare.
However, the thing about them is that women can just admit they were raped, and they can say who their attackers were. They just don't. But men don't have any kind of power whatsoever over what happens to their reputations whenever a woman accuses them of rape.
If I went to college and a random college girl got bored one day and decided to accuse me of rape, that would be it for my reputation. I would be forever branded a rapist by society and I'd be shunned by everyone I knew. Just like that. I probably wouldn't go to jail as there obviously wouldn't be any evidence to convict me, but that wouldn't stop literally everyone I know from condemning me in their thoughts. Who would hire me? What woman would want to marry me? I would receive hate mail and I'd be constantly reminded that I supposedly raped somebody.

Sea Shell and Admin got grossly off topic. The whole OP is trying to convey the idea that a female prosecution will always win a case against a male defendant, even if the male did not commit rape. This is because, as the OP claims, juries have a bias towards the female as a victim. Admin's tangent about anti-feminism and female on male rape were probably a result of his confusion on the OP.
Are you certain?
Yes, erection can be brought about purely by a physical stimulation. Hence why, for example, guys can get erections even while sleeping. I'm absolutely certain that stress, anger etc all make erections harder to control.
Also, non-control of your penis does not mean consent. You can get aroused - even ejaculate - by simply doing nothing when a girl is trying to have sex with you. Not trying to stop her does not necessarily mean you consented to it. You can't have sex with anyone without their express consent, simple as that. Just because somebody's dick pops up does not mean they consent.
it seems female on male rapes occurs when a female forces penetration, usually by force.
The same could be said of male on female rape. It occurs with penetration, usually by force.
I still think female on male rape is silly.
No more so than any other rape is bs. If I penetrate a little girl you'd think that's rape (in addition to child molestation) but if I penetrate a little boy am I any better? It's all the same rape. If a woman does the same, its the same thing.
They go away if you remain still for 20 seconds.
Not so easy if your penis is being constantly stimulated by somebody trying to have sex with you.
It is a result of high blood flow.
The whole point of stress is that it removes your ability to control this kind of thing. A good analogy is heart rate. It's very hard to slow your heart rate down
while you are also running a marathon
Do you have any statistics to back this up?
The point of something being "under reported" is that it doesn't show up in stats. The point is clear: while attitudes like yours persist, many men won't report it. If a girl raped you, you wouldn't report it. I'm sure based on your answers here you'd be scared to death.
Here's what we do know based on stats we do have (statistical bias aside).
The majority of rape victims are male (
). In domestic situations, roughly 40% of rape victims are male (
). In dorm type situations over half of all males are victimized sexually in some way (
However, these are anonymous surveys. The actual number reported to doctors and documented by the American CDC shows that only 1 in 10 rape victims are male (roughly 45% of these have an alleged female perpetrator), so there is very strong anecdotal evidence of there being some under-reporting.
I think the number of cases perfectly represents the danger of female on male rape.
Do you have any evidence to back THIS up?
Especially since most of them are bullshit.
And where is your evidence to back THIS up? You're citing your opinion as facts again.
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The whole OP is trying to convey the idea that a female prosecution will always win a case against a male defendant, even if the male did not commit rape.
Actually males are more likely to win in rape cases against females than females against males. This is from the Guardian (UK
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No. This is the idea that started this thread
Does Western society have a Pro-Feminist, Misandrist bias?
I say yes.
It's not off topic to disagree with this, even if the facts mess with your world view.
The fact that so few rapes (regardless of if you judge them as "silly" or not) go without resulting in conviction indicates the opposite.
And fair point, no one has said that is more common. I find it offensive that someone would imply that killing someone for a rape allegation would be justified, or that false allegations result from people being bored.
When someone accuses someone of rape, the accuser's reputation is also called into question, not just the accused.
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I'm not sure if I trust anyone who doesn't have their face as their profile.
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